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Minutes lead to hours and those became days in which Ashton was there for Luke, holding him and whispering sweet nothings in his ear to calm the blonde down.

The drummer had made a few calls and together they had decided, that Luke needed to do a withdrawal, because otherwise he would destroy himself even further.
Even though he was hesitant at first, Luke agreed later on, understanding that Ashton only wanted to help him.

Especially when Ashton had tested Luke and went out, telling the blonde that he would work on their album with Michael and Calum. He had come home two hours later, only to find Luke drunk again.

'Let's pack up your things Lukey', Ashton mumbled, collecting the boy's bathroom essentials and putting them in a bag.
Luke layed on the bed on his stomach, watching his boyfriend get a suitcase and packing clothes for him.
His mind was way too clouded to understand why the drummer was doing that and if he was being honest, he wasn't interested in finding out aswell.

'Do you want one of my hoodies aswell?'
Luke nodded and tried to sit up, but failing rather quickly.
With a sad smile, Ashton helped his love up and cupped his face, so Luke was almost forced to look him in the eyes.

'Luke, I love you, okay? And I want you to know that I'm doing this for you, for us', Ashton said and he knew that Luke probably couldn't really put the pieces together, but he felt like he needed to say this.

'Love you too', Luke replied, raising his hands to tug on Ashton's hoodie with a pout.

'No, no Luke, not now', Ashton declinded, thinking that Luke wanted to sleep with him, but when the blonde shook his head, Ashton understood.

'You want my hoodie?'
This time, Luke nodded and Ashton obeyed, helping the blonde into the soft fabric.

'Thank you', Luke said and looked up at Ashton with his big, round and blue puppy eyes, making Ashton's hazel ones glassy.

'Why do you have to be such an idiot?'


'Hello Mr Irwin', a woman greeted Ashton with a friendly smile, holding a hand out for him to shake.

'Hello, nice to meet you.'
He quickly shook her hand and then followed her inside the building. He had Luke on one side, holding his hand and the blonde's suitcase in the other, pulling it along with them.

The alcohol still hadn't entirely let him sober up, but that wouldn't have happened at home anyway, considering why they were here.

'Okay, we have a few things that need to be signed and from then on, Mr Hemmings will be in safe hands', she explained and handed Ashton a pen and the said papers.
Along with Luke, he sat down and read the papers, before passing them to Luke, who signed them.

Minutes later they were done and with a sigh, Ashton handed the papers back to the woman.

'I'll give you a few minutes to say goodbye.'
With that, she left and Ashton turned back to Luke.

'Lu.. we won't be seeing each other for a while now..', he whispered and Luke's a little bit sobered up selp nodded, not daring to face his boyfriend.

'Please look at me.'
Ashton's voice was barely above a whisper and he tried hard to fight back the tears.
When Luke finally looked up, his eyes were glassy aswell and Ashton could swear he saw a tear running down his cheek.

'Why do you have to be such a god damn idiot', Ashton mumbled and finally pulled Luke into his arms, pressing the boy as close as possible against his chest. Luke immediately wrapped his arms around his boyfriend and hid his face in the crook of the drummer's neck.
Luke might've been drunk, but the last few minutes had been clear enough to make him understand what really was happening. He wanted to stop it, but he knew it was for the best if he finally got professional help.

'Lukey, we need to say goodbye now', Ashton mumbled after another few minutes and Luke nodded, but still didn't let go.
He didn't want to leave his boyfriend, he didn't want to leave Ashton on his own, only to lose him to Lucas again.

'Hey, Lu', Ashton said again and pushed Luke a little away from him.

'I know a withdrawal isn't exactly the best thing, but those tears aren't the cause of your stay here, aren't they?'

'Will you go back to him?', Luke asked bluntly.


'Lucas. Will you go back to Lucas?', Luke repeated himself, looking to the ground.

'What? No of course not. Baby, I love you and only you. I won't ever go back to him.'


'Promise', Ashton said and pressed his lips on Luke's.
It was a simple kiss, a kiss only symbolising the love they shared and the fact that they would get through this.

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