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'You know I haven't been too much on social media lately, but I don't think that the hashtag Lashton was trending last time I checked', Luke said. They were currently sitting in the livingroom on the couch, cuddling and zapping through the channels in order to find something to watch. Luke had been bored rather quickly and had gotten his phone, scrolling through his social media accounts, while having his head resting on Ashton's stomach.

'What? Show me', Ashton mumbled and put the remote control aside, leaning over so he could look at the screen of Luke's phone.

Luke tapped on the hashtag on Instagram and was immediately confronted with thousands of posts. Most of the pictures and videos were screenshots and recordings from the livestream the had done and Luke had to first open a few of the posts to understand what's going on.

'Ash.. what is that picture in the back?', Luke asked, his voice barely above a whisper as he turned to Ashton who looked just as pale and shocked.

'Oh god.. I put it up when you were gone', Ashton started explaining and stood up, walking towards the shelf and picking the framed picture up.

'I completely forgot about it.. it's the one we took in the pool.'

'The one from the week we got together. We're kissing in the pool, right?' Ashton nodded and pressed his lips to a thin line, turning the picture so Luke could see it. It was indeed the picture of them kissing in the pool.

'How good is the quality?', Ashton asked and set the picture back down on the shelf. With a last glance at it, he walked over to Luke and sat back down on the couch.

'Hm, they're just guessing it's us kissing, but if you know what the picture is, you can definitely tell', Luke answered the question and bit down on his lip.

'This is bad, this is really really bad', Luke mumbled and continued scrolling through the posts of the hashtag.

'No, baby look at me', Ashton said and put three finger under Luke's chin, before turning his head towards him.

'They might have that picture, but it's bad quality and we'll find some weird excuse like we always do', Ashton mumbled, causing Luke's trembling lip to curl up into a smile.

'See? A smile suits you so much better', Ashton mumbled and kissed Luke. The blonde kissed back, moving a little closer as he closed his eyes and sighed into the sweet kiss. When they pulled away and looked at each other, their eyes held so much love and adoration and Ashton could've sworn that he had fallen in love with the boy all over again.

'And then I told them that we have this one', Ashton exclaimed excitedly and waved around with the small piece of paper infront of Luke's face, 'and they didn't look that convinced, but agreed anyways and bam! Problem solved.' Ashton ended his speech with a grin and an excited clap of his hands.

'So now they know we have that picture, but how will the fans find out about it? They'll get suspicious if we'll post it out of the blue', Luke pointed out, but was sushed by Ashton.

'We'll post three pictures in a row and this will be one of them.'

'Living with Lashton, huh?', Luke mumbled with a humourless laugh and Ashton let himself drop down on the couch with a pout.

'You're being mean', Ashton added and when Luke still didn't laugh, Ashton poked the boy's side until he did.

'Okay okay', Luke said, rolled up to a ball and trying to shield his ticklish sides from his boyfriend.

'Admit that the idea is good', Ashton demanded and stopped poking the boy's sides for a few seconds, giving him a chance to catch his breath.

'Yes, alright. The idea is good', Luke mumbled, still trying to catch his breath and calm his heartbeat. Ashton was satisfied with the answer and so he waited until Luke was calm again, to bombard him with the next load of information.

'Okay, so we'll have to choose the pictures now though and we have to do it smart. We could do three funny pictures or three where we simply smile, since that's what we're doing on the pool photo', Ashton started ranting down their options, overwhelming Luke a little.

'Okay, calm down and let me think for a second.'
With raised hands, Ashton gave his blonde boyfriend the requested time and waited rather impatiently for him to speak.

'So, what if we do some kind of us in the beginning, then now and some time between these photos?'

'You man like.. like a progress of us during the break?'

'Yeah, exactly. We could take another picture now and see if we have something fitting laying around somewhere.'
Ashton agreed and with that, the two started looking for pictures. It took them an hour to settle on one and they ended up with a picture of them on one of their last concerts. The pool picture went in the middle and since they were planning on cooking together, they took one in the kitchen, looking like a total mess.

'On which account should be post?'
The boys sat now on the dinner table, eating their cooked meal, while deciding on what to do with the gained material.

'Since we had the livestream on your account, we should maybe post it on mine?', Luke suggested, not fully convinced with the idea of mindlessly throwing these pictures out in public yet.

'Hm, I'm not sure', the drummer  mumbled and both continued eating in silence, until the honey blonde decided to speak up again,' We could talk to Calum and Michael and maybe post it on the bands account?'

'They could add some pictures also and make it less obvious', Luke added and smiled widely, 'That was for once a really good idea Ash!'

'Thank yo-.. hey! You didn't come up with a better solution either!'
Before the older boy could complain more though, Luke stood up and softly pecked Ashton's lips, having a sweet smile on his own and erasing every thought from his boyfriend's mind.

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