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A dark house, all blinds closed and silence. A wet trail of an alcoholic liquid through the spacious living room all the way to the bathroom.
The bathroom was completely dark and the only source of light came through the slightly opened door.
A voice crying out was suddenly heard and someone throwing up, followed by violent sobs.


'Sure you'll be alright now?', Ashton asked, running his hand through Lucas' hair. The boy nodded with a slight sniffle, giving the drummer a sad smile.

'Yeah, thank you for coming over and staying the night', Lucas answered.

'Not for that. You needed me and who am I to say no and leave you all by yourself?'

'Well..', Lucas said, leaving his thoughts unspoken. Ashton cocked his head to the side, curiosity visible in his eyes.

'Well what?', Ashton asked, grinning as he saw the boy's cheeks turn red.

'I was wondering.. no, no it's stupid. Never mind.'

'Don't be shy darling. Speak your mind', Ashton said and sat down on a chair in Lucas' kitchen, pulling the boy with him and placing him on his lap. He wrapped his arms around the red haired boy's waist and patiently waited for him to tell him what he was thinking about.

'I just.. what are we Ashton?'
Silence fell upon them, only their breathing was heard.

'I don't know..', Ashton muttered after seconds of the uncomfortable silence, his eyes fixated on the floor.

'Ash?', Lucas asked, waiting for the drummer to look up again. As he finally did, he smiled at him.

'You don't have to say anything. If you don't want to put a label on anything yet, then that's fine with me', he explained. Ashton nodded, before connecting their lips in a soft, sweet kiss. When they broke away, none of them felt like there was anything left to say. Ashton left a little later and felt light weighted on his way home. He was glad to have Lucas in his life.

'Weird..', Ashton mumbled as he saw his house. The blinds were closed and it looked like no one was awake or even home. It was almost 12pm and Luke should definitely be up by now.
Ashton shrugged it off as pure laziness of the boy and got out of his car. He walked up to the front door and unlocked it, walked in and closed it behind him again. He put his things down on the shelf right next to the front door and slipped out of his shoes. Still, Luke was nowhere to be seen.

'Luke?', he asked, walking a little further into the house. He stopped immediately though as he entered the dark livingroom and felt his sock slowly being soaked with a liquid.

'What..?', Ashton mumbled as he kneeled down and dipped a finger into the liquid. He brought it up to his nose and immediately recognised the strong smell of alcohol.

'Oh no, not again', Ashton said and stood up. He walked to the light switches and turned the lights on. He quickly found the wet trail again and followed it, ending up in his bathroom. A strong smell of what seemed to be vomit filled his nose and he walked towards the bathtub where he opened a window. Surprisingly enough, there he was met with a passed out Luke.

'Oh my god', he said, falling onto his knees and shaking the even paler boy in order to wake him up.

'Lu, Luke', he said, tears welling up in eyes when Luke didn't open his eyes. Panic filled his body and he stood up, bringing Luke into a sitting position with him. With all his strength, he picked the unconscious boy up, careful not to hurt him in any way.

Scared that Luke had gone way too far this time, he tried to remember what to do in case of an alcohol poisoning. He laid Luke down on the carpet that covered the cold floor infront of his bathtub and brought him onto his side. As fast as he could, he filled a cup with water and poured it over Luke's face. Over and over again he did that and just when he wanted to give up and call an ambulance, Luke opened his eyes.

'Oh my god Luke', Ashton cried out, helping Luke to his knees and pulling him towards the toilet, where he put his fingers into the guitarist's mouth, forcing him to throw up until there was only stomch acid coming out.

'What did you do?', he whispered repeatedly and pulled his fingers out of Luke's mouth. He washed his hands and helped Luke up, washing his mouth out aswell.
Not thinking that the blonde could actually walk by himself, he picked him up and carried him towards Ashton's bed. There, he laid him down carefully, making sure his head is secured by enough pillows and gets another cup of water that he tells Luke to drink. The blonde obeys and drinks with Ashton's help a total of two and a half cups.

'Okay, you need some rest now', Ashton said and pulled the covers up to tug Luke in.

'Hmm Ash.. you there?', Luke mumbled, his words horribly slurred amd his eyes only half open, not being able to focus on anything.

'Yes Lu, I'm here. What do you need?', Ashton questioned and sat down next to Luke on the bed, facing the boy as he waited for an answer.

'I.. Ashy think.. no I think', Luke started, giggling slightly, 'I think me drunk.. alcohol yeah.'
Ashton shook his head slightly, letting out a sigh as he turned away. Even though Luke wouldn't remember this or even really see it, he didn't want to cry infront of the blonde. It broke Ashton's heart to see Luke like this and the boy was obviously not aware of the risks and the danger he had put himself in.

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