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'I'm back', Luke said, but received no answer. He searched for Ashton, but the drummer was nowhere to he seen. Looking in the kitchen, he found a small paper with a note on it, saying that he was with Lucas.

'Of course you're with him', Luke mumbled and walked into his room. There, he changed into his swimming clothes and went to the garden, bringing his phone and his Bluetooth speaker with him. The water in Ashton's pool was warm and the sun was shining on Luke's pale skin.
Not letting the opportunity of a drink slide, he went back in and took a glass out of the cupboard, before going to Ashton's alcohol collection that Luke adored. He grabbed a bottle of whiskey and went back to kitchen, pouring some of the liquor in the glass. He added some ice cubes and went back to the pool, taking a sip of his drink.

He connected his phone with the speaker and scrolled through his music until he found the song he was looking for. He pressed play and put the song on repeat, emptying his glass.
Loud and clear, he heard the beginning of the song 'Some say' by Nea. The liquor burned down his throat, but he only poured more into his glass, emptying it again. Refilling his glass soon became tiring and he started to drink straight out of the bottle, until he felt the relieving effect of his drinking.

Luke got into the pool, where an air mattress was floating already and with a little trouble, he got onto it and layed down, closing his eyes.

His fingertips touched the surface of the water and once in a while, the wind created small waves that made his finger dip into the water slightly, breaking through the surface of it.
The sun warmed his skin and mercilessly shone down on it.
Luke's already closed eyes and the soft melody of the song lead to the boy giving into his exhaustion, tiredness taking over.


'Ashton, I don't know if this is a good idea', Lucas said and bit his lip. To say he was nervous was an understatement and if someone would ask him, he'd say that he was even more nervous than Ashton.

'I don't know, but I don't want to do this alone', Ashton admitted, gripping the steering wheel tighter.

'But if it's true and he still has feelings for you..'

'I'm not sure. It's been a while since he told me and he seemed truly heartbroken when Sierra found out.'

'Hm, maybe. I'm just worried. What if we hurt him even more now?', Lucas pointed out.

'He needs to know anyways.'
Before Lucas could say anything else, they parked in the driveway to Ashton's house. The sun was starting to set and the couple had spend the whole day together, weighting out ther options of telling Luke about them.

The couple got out of the car and walked up to the front door. Waiting impatiently for Ashton to unlock the door, Lucas considered running away. He was scared of Luke's reaction, considering that he only knew the blonde for a few weeks and had no idea what could happen. In addition, he didn't want the blonde to be hurt, because Lucas himself only knew too well how it felt to be hopelessly in love. He was sure that leaving Luke in his small bubble a little longer, could help him get over Ashton.

'Luke? I'm home', Ashton said a little louder like they always did to infrom each other of their arrival.

'Please let him be sober', Ashton mumbled as he saw that the blonde wasn't in his room, the livingroom or the kitchen and the door to the room he stored his liquor in was open.

'Uh, Ash?', Lucas said. The red haired boy was in the livingroom, while Ashton checked the other rooms.


'Can't you hear that?'
Lucas walked closer to the big windows of the livingroom that displayed the beautiful garden.

'Hear what?', Ashton asked, being closer now. Just in that moment, Lucas saw Luke laying on an air mattress on the pool, explaining the music he had heard.

'Nothing. I thought I had heard something', Lucas lied and turned away from the windows.

'He isn't here', Ashton said and sat down with his back towards the windows.

'Well, maybe he is still at his girlfriend's house?', Lucas suggested. He stood behind Ashton, massaging the drummer's shoulders in order to calm him. From there, Lucas could still see Luke floating on the water and he was sure that the boy was drunk. The bottle and the glass at the edge of the pool only confirmed his thoughts.

'Maybe.. maybe I should call just to check on him?'

'Oh uhm, why don't you go there? He probably needs a ride home anyways', Lucas suggested and hoped that Ashton would agree.

'Are you sure? I don't want to seem overprotective.'

'Yeah, I'm sure they'll understand your worries', Lucas assured him and finally, Ashton nodded.

'What about you?'

'I can wait here and if he's not there, I will tell you when he shows up', Lucas said and Ashton gave him a quick kiss, before he rushed out of the house.

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