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While Luke thought that Ashton had forgotten about him, Ashton found himself standing infront of the blonde's door repeatedly. Up to ten times a day, his feet lead him to the door, but not once he found the courage to knock.
After all, Ashton knew that he would hurt Luke with the news of Lucas and him being a couple now. The curly headed drummer also knew that there was already something clearly wrong, because after three days not seeing your best friend, despite living in the same house it was obvious that nothing was okay.

Once again, Ashton stood infront of Luke's door, his hand about to knock when he heard steps inside. Taking a few steps back, Ashton kept his eyes on the door, hoping Luke would come out. Seconds passed and seconds became minutes when Ashton was sure that Luke wouldn't come out.
With a heavy sigh, he threw all his worries away and finally knocked.

Against all his expectations, Luke froze in place, staring at the door with wide eyes. He knew that it could only be Ashton and if he was being honest, he didn't want the drummer to see him like this. He had accepted that Ashton wouldn't look for him and that he would spend more time with Lucas now.
The guitarist had come to terms with his fate and had decided that he would have to make up with Sierra again. She had always been there for him and it was time for the truth.
The last hour or so he had tried to call Sierra, but she hadn't picked up.

A second knock was heard in unison with his phone. Luke quickly glanced at his phone, checking the caller ID to see Sierra's picture. A small smile spread on his lips and he answered his phone.

'Hey', he said, waiting for her to answer first.

'Hey Luke.'

'I'm sorry for disappearing', Luke started, carefully choosing his words, 'I wanted to give you space after all I did.'

'Thank you.'

'That was the least I could do', Luke said and bit his lip. He felt awfully guilty for what he did.

'I-I thought maybe we could meet up again and maybe talk', Luke suggested. If he was being honest, he was prepared for a 'no' and didn't expect anything else.

'Just us two?'

'Yeah, of course', Luke reassured her and twirled his hair with his finger.

'Okay. I'm free tonight.'
Luke was already surprised that she had agreed in the first place, but that she wanted to meet up that quick was even more surprising. If the blonde was honest, he was also happy to have an excuse to not talk to Ashton.

'I uh yeah, yeah I am too.'

'At our- my place in two hours then?', Sierra said and the fact that she had almost called the house their place made Luke's heart hurt even more. She didn't deserve any of this.

Luke agreed and they hung up.
The knocks on his door had stopped, but Luke couldn't help feeling sad that Ashton hadn't walked in.
Luke's feelings confused him, because he didn't want to talk to Ashton, on the other hand he wanted him to walk in and talk him out of meeting up with Sierra.
He wanted to make up with Sierra, but at the same time he wanted to silently suffer alone in his room, crying as he hoped for Ashton to love him back.

He got some clothes out of his wardrobe and silently opened the door. As he looked the hallway down, he was met with Ashton. The urge to close the door was strong, but Luke's will to do something right once was stronger.

'Hey', Ashton said, pushing himself off the wall and eyeing Luke. The boy truly looked bad, but there was some kind of determination in the way he stood there.


'Can we- can we talk?'

'I can't. I have to get ready, because I look kind of horrible', Luke explained and motioned to his body.

'It's not that bad', Ashton said and Luke chuckled at the drummer's poor attempt to make him feel better.

'Well, thank you. You don't look that bad either', Luke answered and disappeared in the bathroom, leaving Ashton back in the hallway.

A shower, a change of clothes and brushing his teeth later, Luke walked out of the bathroom again. He tied his curls up into a bun, ignoring the strands that fell down because they weren't long enough yet.

'Where are you going?', Ashton asked as Luke entered the kitchen.

'I will talk to Sierra', Luke explained and Ashton nodded.

'Do you think that you two will be able to leave all of that behind and start over again?'

'I don't know. But if I want to us to have a chance, I have to be completely honest with her first.'

'So you'll tell her..?', Ashton said, leaving the sentence open.
Luke nodded, making Ashton let out a heavy sigh.

'I have to', Luke said and grabbed an apple. He took a bite of it and turned around.

'I know you have to. Just- just be careful. Good luck.'
Luke nodded and left.


His hands sweaty and his heart close to giving out, he knocked on the once so welcoming door.
It didn't took long until Sierra opened the door and allowed him in.
An uncomfortable silence fell upon them as they stood in the hallway.

'Sierra, I-', Luke started, but Sierra interrupted him.

'Before we talk about anything surrounding the mess that was our relationship... can I just hug you please?', Sierra asked, her eyes becoming glassy when Luke nodded and opened his arms. She immediately walked closer, letting the blonde pull her into the hug as she clung onto her ex-boyfriend.

'I missed you so much', she said, her voice shaking as she was dangerously close to crying already.

'I missed you too.'

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