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When Ashton had returned, Luke had obviously been asleep and Lucas had had trouble convincing Ashton to let that stay that way. In the end, Ashton had given up and asked Lucas to stay the night, since he didn't want to be alone.

Despite having his boyfriend next to him, Ashton couldn't sleep. That was why he carefully got out of bed in the middle of the night.
On tiptoes, he walked down the hallway, stopping at Luke's door and listening. Everything was quiet and Ashton put a hand flat on the door.
He wanted to knock so badly and talk to Luke. The blonde was probably suffering and needed someone on his side, while he was trying to get over Sierra. Sure, he had ended the realtionship himself, even though Sierra had been ready to wait for him, despite everything that had happened, but Luke had always been very soft on the inside. Ashton was sure the boy needed his best friend.

With a sigh, he took his hand from the door and went into the bathroom to cool himself down by splashing some cold water in his face.

The whole time he thought about Luke and his conversation with Sierra. Ashton was surprised that Sierra had talked to him, even though she knew that Ashton had been the cause for this mess to begin with.

Just when Ashton turned the faucet on, he heard a loud thud, followed by hectic footsteps. Only seconds later, someone was loudly banging against the door. Ashton turned the faucet off and run to the source of the noise- Luke's room.

'Luke?', he asked, his tone giving away how worried he was.

'Let me out, please. Please, let me out', Luke cried, still banging against the door.

'Lu, you have the key.'

'No', Luke cried, worrying Ashton even more. Luke had locked himself in the room, so Ashton had no idea how to get the boy out.

'Yes, yes darling, the key is on your side. You have to look for it', Ashton explained, hoping that Luke could calm himself enough to find the key and unlock the door.

'I can't, Ashy please, get me out', Luke only cried, falling onto his knees.

'Yes, yes you can love. Do it for me, okay? You just have to see if the key is somewhere in your room', Ashton said barely above a whisper, but Luke heard it. Ashton's voice was giving him the bit if comfort he needed to open his eyes and actually look for the key. Ge got up and slightly stumbled through the room, eyeing the door aswell, only to see that the key was missing.

'No key', he whined, tears falling down and followed by more.

'Lu, it's alright. I will look for the spare key, okay?'

'Please hurry', Luke mumbled and Ashton did. As fast as he could, he ran to the cupboard and opened the drawer, where he had all his spare keys in. He looked through them, until he found the one for the guest bedroom.

'Ash? What are you doing and what was that noise?', Lucas asked, rubbing his eyes tiredly as he stepped into the hallway.

'Luke woke up and since he locked himself, he can't get out and panicked. I need to get him out', Ashton explained and finally held the right key in his hand.
Lucas swallowed thickly. He hadn't thought as far as Luke waking up and not remembering his wish for him to be locked in.

'Ash, he drank last night', Lucas said, wanting the truth to be out, before anything else happened.

'I figured', Ashton only answered, not really listening and rushed to the locked door.

'I'm here Lu, I'll unlock the door now.'
He quickly put the key in the keyhole and twisted until the relieving 'click' sound signaled the opening of the door.

'Careful', Ashton mumbled as he turned the doorknob, opening the door and revealing his best friend.
A look inside the room and Ashton knew that there was indeed no key.
Luke immediately ran out and into Ashton's arms. The drummer's back against the wall, he slowly slid down the wall until they sat on the floor. He held Luke tight, who sobbed violently against Ashton's chest, starting to hiccup aswell.

'It's okay Lu, I'm here. You're out', Ashton mumbled and placed a soft kiss on top of Luke's hair.
The heart wrenching moment was interrupted by Lucas clearing his throat.

'Ash, I need to tell you something.'
Ashton looked up to his boyfriend. He felt bad for being so close to Luke in Lucas' presence, but he knew the boy didn't mind. Luke needed him now and Lucas knew and respected that.

'I made a mistake.'

'What do you mean?', Ashton asked, still rubbing Luke's back up and down.

'I-I saw him yesterday in the pool and he was drunk. You told me so much about Luke's unhealthy relationship with alcohol and I didn't want to upset you, so I helped him hiding. I brought him into his room and in order for you to not see him, he asked me to lock the door. I should've told you, but I just didn't thought it would turn out this way. I'm sorry', Lucas explained, his voice breaking at the end and a tear slipping out of his eye.

'You- oh wow, okay', Ashton said, trying to understand the situation. He wasn't exactly mad at Lucas, because the boy didn't mean to harm anyone. He actually just wanted to protect them and underestimated the situation.

'Yeah, you should've told me. I'm not mad at you, but maybe you should go home', Ashton said and Lucas nodded.

'Yeah probably, I think that's for the best. He needs you anyways', Lucas said and motioned to Luke, who was curled up into a ball, still sobbing his little heart out. Only sometimes, a hiccup interrupted the heartbreaking sounds.

'Yeah, he does.'
Just when Lucas wanted to leave, Ashton grabbed his wrist.

'Hey, I love you, okay?', Ashton said.

'I love you too.'

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