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A day in the city had always been fun and especially because they'd run away from their bodyguard. The little rush of adrenalin and the fear to be caught had made the day interesting and adventurous.

Their trip had ended in the back of a café with two hot chocolates and whipped cream on top. A soft tune was playing silently through the speakers of the café, giving it a relaxing vibe as contrast to their eventful afternoon.

With a spoon, Luke ate the whipped cream that had some chocolate sprinkles on top too and licked the spoon clean, before putting it back on the little plate that the waitress had placed in the middle of the table.

'How did we go from running away to sitting here?', Ashton asked after a while and Luke looked up at his best friend.

'Hm, fate, I guess', Luke answered.

'Do you believe in fate?', Ashton questioned and took a sip of his hot chocolate.

'Sure. I think a lot of things are fate. Stuff happens for a reason and there's a purpose for everything, no matter how smal it might seem in the beginning.'

'Sounds logical. In what else do you believe?'

'In love and soulmates', the taller boy answered without hesitation and Ashton nodded.

'I believe in love too, yeah. I'm not sure with soulmates, but I like the idea of it.'

'Imagine having such a deep connection with someone that you can't live without them. The amount of trust, love and respect you have for each other', Luke said, obviously thinking of Ashton, but the boy didn't have to know that.

'Like us?'
The question caught Luke off guard. He had expected everything, except for Ashton thinking of them. No wonder that the boy was now coughing like crazy.

'God Lu', Ashton said and stood up to carefully hit the blonde's chest. Luke soon was back to breathing and swallowing normally.

'I already told you this doesn't do anything.'

'And I already told you that I panic if you do that all the time.'
Luke didn't say anything to that, the reason for his coughing still present in his head.
They continued to drink their hot chocolates and stayed silent, letting the music and conversations of other people be the only thing heard.

At some point, the silence got uncomfortable and Luke decided enough was enough and broke it.

'Why is it so weird between us sometimes?', he asked, having the drummers full attention.

'What do you mean?'

'I mean that everything is okay. We joke and laugh, mock each other and talk and suddenly is gets weird and we become silent and awkward', Luke explained himself, adding with a sad smile, 'I don't want it to be that way. I want it to be like it always was.'

'I want that too', Ashton said with a heavy sigh, 'but things happened and they changed the way we act around each other. No matter if we want it or not.' Luke nodded, sighing aswell.

'I'm-', Luke started, but was cut off by a waitress asking whether they needed anything else. Ashton declined and said he wanted to pay, before turning back to Luke.

'What did you wanted to say?'

'Nothing', Luke mumbled, the bravery from before having left again.

'Don't be sad Lukey', Ashton said, putting his hand on top of Luke's, 'Let's talk at home, okay?'
Luke agreed and they finished their drinks while they were waiting for the waitress to return with the bill. She did soon and they left the café with the needed distance. As much as they'd like to deny it, the article had made them more aware of their actions and the amount of affection they showed towards each other, especially in public.

It took them about half an hour until they entered Ashton's house. They immediately changed into their bathing trunks and got into the pool.

'I really really need a pool', Luke said as he let his hand carefully run over the water surface. It reminded him of the day when he had been in the pool, drunk and asleep a week ago.

'Well, you kind of have one since you live with me', Ashton pointed out and held his hand out, wanting Luke to grab it. The blonde did with hesitation and let the drummer pull him towards him. Ashton swam a little further to the edge of the pool towards the right corner of it. The corner was rounded and actually a whirlpool.

The drummer sat down and pulled Luke with him.

'Come here', Ashton said, giving Luke his best puppy eyes. The guitarist gave in with a lot of hesitation and let Ashton pull him onto his lap. He wrapped his arms around the tall blonde and leaned his head against his shoulder.

'You wanted to say something earlier, remember?'

'Yeah, but it doesn't matter', Luke said. He was way too focused on his stiff body on top of Ashton's.

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