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'Don't be like that Lu', Ashton said, carefully touching Luke's leg.

'Ash', Luke whined, but turned around, sitting up and bringing his knees up to his chest.

'You're sad', Ashton simply stated.
Luke shook his head, wiping the tears away with the sleeve of his sweater.

'I'm not.'

'You're crying and lying.'

'No', Luke denied the obvious truth even though it was completely pointless. Ashton took Luke's hands in his and pulled the boy up on his feet. Before he could fall, Ashton wrapped his arms around him, causing Luke to squeal and wrap his legs around him in order to stop his fall.
As soon as he was sure that he wouldn't fall, he unwrapped his legs and put his feet on the floor again. He was still pressed against Ashton's chest though, since the drummer didn't plan on letting go yet.

'Please let go', Luke asked, but Ashton only shook his head.

'Ashton, please.'

'First, hug me back Lu', Ashton now said, leaning his head against the taller boy's shoulder.

'No, let go.'

'Give me a hug Lu, come on', Ashton said again, swaying back and forth in order to comfort the boy.

'Ashy wants a hugy', Ashton pouted as Luke still refused to hug him and the blonde finally gave in.
As he wrapped his arms around Ashton, he noticed that the boy was shirtless and still wet, which he immediately pointed out.

'You're wet.'

'You're sad.'

'You're shirtless.'

'You're.. blonde.'

'You're blonde too?', Luke asked confused, chuckling over Ashton's silliness.

'Bold of you to assume that I'm blonde, I'm honey blonde!'

'Sure', Luke chuckled and closed his eyes, finally allowing himself to enjoy the embrace. His clothes slowly soaked with the poolwater that was still dripping from Ashton's clothes, but he didn't mind.

'Why are you sad?', Ashton said, breaking the silence that had started to surround them.

'It's nothing', Luke answered, still not wanting to admit that he was jealous. What would they think if they knew that Luke had liked Ashton? He should focus on Sierra and their relationship instead of spending his days being sad over something that had happened in the past.

'Listen Lu, I don't know why you were sad, but I want you to know that you can always come to me, okay? I'm always there for you', Ashton said and rubbed over Luke's back. The blonde only nodded, holding back the frustrated tears that tried to get out. If he'd let them fall, he probably wouldn't be able to stop them anymore.

'You should go back now', Luke spoke up after another couple of seconds, still not breaking away, 'Lucas is probably waiting.'

'Yeah, you're right.'
Ashton sighed and closed his eyes, only pulling Luke closer.

'Ash?', Luke asked and Ashton hummed in response.

'You have to let me go.'

'But you're so warm', the drummer pointed out and softly kissed the milky skin of Luke's neck, making him shiver.

'You're freezing Ash.'
Luke finally broke away and looked at Ashton, who's skin was covered with goosebumps.

'You are too though', Ashton pointed out and motioned towards Luke's skin that was equally covered in goosebumps.

'I uhm.. I was running so I should probably take a shower anyways.'
Ashton nodded and watched as Luke took a few steps back and walked towards the wardrobe he had his clothes currently in.
He took a pair of sweatpants, a shirt and boxers out and put them on the bed. His eyes landed on the still shivering Ashton and he turned back to his clothes, getting a hoodie out and tossing it to Ashton. The boy was caught off guard and didn't catch the hoodie, making Luke shake his head in amusement.

'You have to catch', he playfully taunted him and picked the item of clothing up, before pulling it over Ashton's head. He then continued helping him up the sleeves and finally pulled the hoodie over Ashton's abs.
When Ashton still didn't move, Luke tied the strings attached to the hoodie in a bow.

'So pretty', he mumbled and fixed the bow, before stepping away again.

'Thanks', Ashton said, his lips formed to a smirk.

'You're welco-', Luke said, but cut himself off as Ashton kissed his cheek and waved, before leaving the room.
A blush now coated Luke's cheeks and he lifted his hand, letting his fingers touch the tingling skin.

'What was that?', he mumbled to himself and sat down on his bed, slightly smiling.

Ashton walked out of the room and into his room, getting dry clothes for Lucas and dry pants for himself. He rushed back into his garden, only to find Lucas sitting on the grass.

'Hey, I got dry clothes for you', Ashton said, making Lucas look up. A smile instantly made it's way onto Lucas' lips and he stood up, taking the clothes from the drummer.

'Thank you', he said and kissed Ashton's cheek, just like Ashton had done it to Luke only a couple of minutes ago.

'Before I change', Lucas' started, 'is Luke okay? He seemed upset.'

'Uh, yeah. We talked a little. I guess the thing with Sierra is weighing on him a lot.'

'Hm, yeah I get that. I feel bad for him. He seems like a nice guy', Lucas said and Ashton nodded in agreement.

'He is indeed. Actually he is one of the most lovely people I've ever met and I'm really happy to be able to call him my best friend', Ashton confessed, blushing a little. He didn't mean to talk about Luke like that infront of Lucas.

'I'm sure he is and you really don't have to blush. I already know you liked him for a while, don't forget that, yeah?'
Ashton nodded and followed Lucas inside to show him his room, where he could change. He was surprised that Lucas was so laid back with everything and that made Ashton only like him more. Lucas was special.

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