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Days before their first concert in Ireland, the internet was full of conspiracy theories about Ashton, Elliot and Luke.
While their management did everything to erase these rumours, Luke and Ashton weren't sure how to feel about the fans getting behind their story.
They were tired of lying and every date that Ashton had to go on with Elliot was one date too much. Luke was horribly jealous, no matter how often Ashton guaranteed him that Elliot and him didn't even really talk if they didn't have to. The lies drained them and when Ashton was meant to renew the contract, he refused to sign, bringing him in a two hour long discussion with the woman. In the end Ashton won, leaving the office with a triumphant smile.

'They let you out of the contract?', Luke asked confused, his arms around Ashton's neck as he listened to his boyfriend talking.

'Well, you could say that. I have to keep quiet about it though for now', Ashton said, but Luke didn't care. All he heard was Ashton not being forced into a fake relationship anymore, which was close to a miracle.

Ashton Irwin splits from short-term boyfriend Elliot only days before the start of band's tour

That was the last thing Ashton read, before he went on stage along with his two best friends and his boyfriend. No matter how hard he tried, a grin was present on his face throughout the whole show and when they went backstage to let the fans scream a little, the woman Ashton had argued with awaited them already.

'Luke, Ashton', she said with a stern look on her face, 'I need to talk to you.'
They followed her in another room and sat down on a couch, looking at her.

'We have to hurry a little and so I will ask you only once, are you giving the fans hints?' Her face was serious and her body tense as Luke and Ashton looked at each other, shaking their heads.

'These rumours are getting serious and we have trouble finding solutions. Luke, we understand that this is very frustrating, especially in your situation', she started and Luke huffed when she hinted at his withdrawal, 'but all of this happens for a reason. Liking posts about you two on social media is only giving them ideas and we can't risk the image of the band.' When she ended her speech, a knock was heard on the door and Calum stuck his head through the door.

'We have to get back on stage.'

'Just a minute', the woman said and Calum nodded, closing the door.

'I didn't think that it would cause that much trouble', Luke mumbled, biting his lip as Ashton put a hand on his thigh.
He looked up and saw Ashton giving him a small smile which he returned.

'Boys', the woman sighed, watching them turn their heads to look at her.

'I can't allow this', she said, motioning towards their now intertwined hands.

'Why? What is so wrong about this? Have you seen the posters that are held up? They support us, even though they have no guarantee that they are right. They believe what they see and I don't want to hide anymore', Ashton said, standing up and pulling Luke with him as he walked towards the door.

'Ashton, don't do this now. I will do everything I can, okay? I can't promise you anything though', she said and Ashton shrugged.

'We have thirty minutes left on stage. Be fast and I might wait for you to give us permission', he added and then they walked out of the room, following Michael and Calum back on stage.

Fifteen minutes had passed quickly and Luke kept glancing at Ashton nervously, unsure whether his boyfriend was actually going to out them. Luke would love that, sure, but he also didn't want to break another contract and cause trouble for the band.

Their next song started and as the melody of 'Lover of Mine' sounded up, the whole arena lit up in rainbow lights, leaving the four boy's speechless.
Almost missing the first lines, Luke started singing with a shaking voice, his eyes looking at every colour individually.

'Hope and I pray, darling, that you will stay, butterfly lies, chase them away', Luke sang, humming, before he walked over to Calum, singing the next part with him.

'Dance around the living room, lose me in the sight of you. I've seen the red, I've seen the blue, take all of me', they sang and suddenly, more and more posters were held up.

'Deep to where your secrets hide, where we've been a thousand times, swallow every single lie. Take all of me.'
Right before Luke had to sing the next part, another couple of signs were held up. They were just as colourful as the lights and Luke had a hard time reading them.

'I'll never give you away, cause I already made that mistake. If my name never fell off your lips again, I know it'd be such a shame.' His voice wasn't as high as he wanted it to be, but he couldn't find himself caring as he was way too concentrated on reading the signs. Almost every single one had hearts on them and the blonde could swear he read 'Lashton' on them. Only the ones in the front of the crowd were visible and that's when Luke stopped singing, his hands covering his mouth as tears started to blur his seight.

'Luke', Calum mumbled, nudging the boy's side in order to make him sing again, but Luke only turned around to look at Ashton, wanting to see whether he had read the signs aswell.
The drummer stood up from behind is drum and looked to the side of the stage, seeing the woman standing there and nodding. An even wider smile found it's way onto Ashton's lips and he jumped off of the small platform that his drum was placed on, walking up to Luke.

His eyes didn't leave the blonde beauty once and when he stood infront of him, he could feel his heart race. The rainbow lights gave Luke's pale skin a beautiful glow and Ashton carefully brushed a strand of hair behind Luke's ear, hardly able to believe that this gorgeous boy was his boyfriend.

'We have a thumbs-up', Ashton whispered and Luke's eyes widened.

'Really?', he asked, his voice thin as it cracked.
Ashton nodded and Luke dared to step a little closer to Ashton, looking into the boy's hazel eyes.

'Can I kiss you?', Ashton asked and Luke nodded quickly, feeling the drummer's lips on his only seconds later.
The screams got louder, but Ashton and Luke couldn't hear that.
Right now, it was only them on the stage in each other's arms, kissing.

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