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'What do you want to watch?', Ashton asked, smiling at his in covers and pillows hidden boyfriend. The blonde peaked through the pile of fabric and feathers, giving Ashton a loud yawn as an answer.

'No movie then, I guess?'
Receiving no answer this time, Ashton shook his head with a smile and walked over to the couch. He started putting the covers and pillows aside, revealing a tiredly looking Luke. The boy's blonde hair laid messily on his head, his beard started to show, forming some blonde stubble and his blue eyes were squinting at Ashton, making him look even cuter and cuddlier than normally.

'Let's get you in bed then, huh?', Ashton mumbled and opened his arms for Luke, who gladly got up and stumbled into them.
The singer was wearing once again one of Ashton's hoodies, something he had done and gotten used to for the past weeks. Even with having his Ashton back, he wasn't planning on putting that habit aside ever again and Ashton would lie if he'd say that he didn't like it.

'Cuddle', Luke mumbled into the crook of Ashton's neck, giving the drummer goosebumps as his breath hit the sensitive skin.
Without answering, Ashton wrapped his arms around his taller boyfriend and gave him a kiss on his forehead.

It was a silent agreement, letting them stand there for another couple of minutes, before they finally made their way into Ashton's bedroom. There, they crawled under the covers and right into each other's arms. Their bodies fitted perfectly with each other and it made them believe that they might've been made for each other. Maybe they were meant to be?
Luke at least wanted to believe that their past relationships had been necessary for them to understand that they belonged to each other and he would continue to believe so.
Soulmates had always been a connection that the boys had only sung about, feeling how strong a bond could really be was something incredibly deep and touching, making them want to share it with the world, even though they knew that this wasn't possible. They wanted to shout it from the rooftops, but a bigger force was holding them back.
A force that couldn't be broken, not yet.
So they settled with laying there in each other's arms and slowly drifing off to sleep, only to meet in their dreams again where they could let themselves fall and show their true colours and beauty. And that was enough for them, because all they really needed was each other and everything else would follow.


When Ashton woke up the next morning, the space next to him was empty and he felt the warmth he had thought to feel leave his imagination.
Where was Luke?

A lovely and melodic voice could be heard humming down the hallway once Ashton had stepped out of the bedroom and with a fond look on his face, he followed the humming. He found Luke in his room, sitting infront of his mirror and carefully putting a pinkish lipgloss on his already rosy lips.

'What are you humming?', the drummer asked after listening for a moment, making the blonde turn around with a blush coating his cheeks.

'Uh, nothing. Good morning', Luke answered and put the lid back onto the container, putting it aside and standing up to give his boyfriend a kiss.

'Walk in your rainbow paradise,
strawberry lipstick state of mind', Ashton suddenly started singing and Luke cocked his head to the side as he contiued listening to Ashton, 'I get so lost inside your eyes, would you believe it?'

'Is that another song you wrote?', Luke questioned, ignoring the blush that heated up his face once again.

'Oh, no. It's one of Harry Styles' new songs', Ashton explained and continued informing him about the album named 'Fine Line' that would come out soon.

'I have to listen to it', Luke mumbled and Ashton gave him a kiss on the nose.

'Yeah, you definitely should.'
Just when Ashton was about to turn around and leave to get ready aswell, he stopped himself and turned back to Luke.

'Hey, why were you up so early anyways? You usually sleep a lot longer', he pointed out.

'Yeah, but I had to get up early every day in the clinic and that kind of sticks with me still', Luke explained and received an understanding nod from his boyfriend, who then left the room.

Luke sat back down infront of the mirror and started organising his make-up a little. When he was half way done, his eyes landed on his reflection in the mirror. He personally thought that there wasn't much of a difference in his face except for his not so dull anymore eyes. Rosy had kept telling him how much better and healthier he looked though, so he guessed there maybe was a bigger difference.
Another thing he noticed was his hair. The messy mop of blonde curls was all over the place and the traces of his drunk decision to cut his hair off were still visible. His sides were uneven and hardly the same length as the top.
If they were to post anything in the next few days with Luke showing, then only wearing a cap or a beanie, because the fans would surely worry.
He wasn't going to see this as a negative thing though.
His therapist in the clinic had showed him how the bad haircut could symbolise a new beginning with a blank canvas and that's what he wanted to do. He wouldn't be able to bring his long hair back, so he might aswell put a purpose and meaning to it.

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