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'All of the mistakes I made, I made, I made, I made. Whatever the price I paid, I paid, I paid, I paid. Shout out to the old me and everything you showed me. Had to fuck it up before I let you get to know me, eh eh', Luke and Calum sang together, ending their last performance before they'd go on tour with huge smiles on all of their faces.

It was the 24th March and their song 'Wildflower' would be released the next day, followed by the whole album only two days later on the 27th.
The huge smiles still plastered on their lips, they left the stage and were driven home only minutes later.

'Guys, Wildflower will be out tomorrow.. that's crazy how fast the time flew by', Calum said, sipping on his waterbottle. Michael hummed in agreement, also sipping on his waterbottle. Ashton and Luke on the other hand sat in the back of the van, their hands intertwined. Ashton had his head leaned back against the head rest and his eyes closed and Luke didn't dare moving his hand, scared to wake the drummer up.

'Guys imagine, three days until Calm is out and our first concerts are only.. how much later?'

'Uhm, Dublin on the 11th of May I believe', Calum answered and Michael nodded shortly after.

'Yep', he added and the car went silent. It wasn't ten minutes later, that Calum was dropped off and their next stop was Ashton's house.

'Hey, Ash? We're home', Luke mumbled, shaking the boy's shoulder slightly to wake him up. Ashton grumbled, but opened his eyes, unbuckling his seatbelt and following after Luke out of the van.

'Bye Michael', they said and Michael waved, before the door was closed and the van drove off, leaving the couple standing infront of Ashton's house.

'Let's go in and right into bed', Ashton mumbled and grabbed Luke's hand, pulling him towards the entrance. While he looked for his keys, Luke shook his head.

'Forget it. First shower then bed', he demanded and Ashton let out a heavy sigh, finally finding the keys and unlocking the door. They walked in, slipped out of their shoes and before anything else could happen, their lips were connected in a slobby kiss, until Ashton broke away.

'God, sorry Lu, but I think I'm too tired', he mumbled and Luke shook his head laughing, grabbing Ashton's hand and pulling him into the direction of the bathroom. There, both boys stripped and got under the water, washing their bodies and the remains of their tiring day.
Once in a while, their lips touched and they shared sweet kisses, but the kisses never heated up and stayed innocent.

About ten minutes later, they stood infront of their wardrobes. While Luke was already done dressing himself and walked into Ashton's bedroom, Ashton was struggling with staying awake long enough to actually pick out some clothes.

'Oh Ashy', Luke mumbled and picked up a hoodie that had been thrown on the floor, folding it up and putting it back into the wardrobe. Then he got out boxers that he handed Ashton, before looking through the shirts and pulling a plain black one out. Ashton took the shirt from Luke and started putting it on, while Luke closed the wardrobe. Once he turned around again, he was met with the black shirt pulled over his boyfriend's head.
Another chuckle left Luke's lips as he helped Ashton get into the shirt properly.

'Thank you', Ashton said and rubbed his eyes, a yawn escaping his lips.

'Of course, now let's get you to bed.' Said and done. It didn't took long for Ashton to fall asleep once he laid on the soft mattress. Being in Ashton's arms, Luke also soon drifted off to sleep, dreaming about the beautiful drummer who owned his heart.

Their album release was a huge success and the last weeks before their tour would start only flew by. Interviews followed by interviews were what their everyday life looked like in the last weeks and Luke and Ashton found themselves having a harder time lying with every passing day.
A slip-up could have serious consequences, especially considering that a lot of fans weren't believing anything they tried to sell them as the truth in the first place.

The next interview caused problems that no one had expected. It started when the interviewer asked them about what their perfect partner would look like. A normal question, answered several times already, sometimes briefly, sometimes a little more detailed. What no one expected though was that the interviewer came prepared with old answers of them, wanting to know if their types had changed.

'So Ashton, in an interview a few years ago you described your dream partner with following words', he said and pressed play on a remote control, letting a younger version of Ashton himself appear on a screen behind them.

'Funny, honest, someone you can just spent a lazy evening with just as a spontaneous trip to god knows where', Ashton answered, his lips formed into a smile, showing off his dimples.

'What about looks? Any particular type?'

'Well, not rea-', Ashton started, but was interrupted by a pouting Luke walking into the frame.

'You don't have a type? You're saying that you're only dating me for my personality?', the blonde whines, making everyone laugh.

'Oh sorry, well let me introduce you to my girlfriend Luke', Ashton said and puller Luke onto his lap, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

'Ew', Luke shrieked and wiped his cheek with the sleeve of his sweater.

'So I guess my type is a blue eyed, blonde haired and lanky dork', Ashton said and then the clip ended.

'So, how much has that changed?', he asked and Ashton looked at him, no words leaving his mouth as he tried to think of an answer. Ashton was aware that the answer to the question should be something funny, going with the joke he had made in the said interview, but he didn't. He couldn't think of any answer and so he just stared at the video, before Luke came to save him out of the uncomfortable situation.

'Well, I guess Elliot pushed me off the throne', the blonde laughed, his voice shaking a little as he smiled at the interviewer, hiding his jealousy.
The interviewer gladly dropped the question then and there, letting Ashton leave the question unanswered.

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