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'My head is killing me', Luke whined as Ashton walked into the bedroom, telling Luke to drink another few cups of water.

'I can't', he complained after only half a cup.

'You can and you will', Ashton demanded and pushed the cup towards him again. Luke only shook his head and crawled out of bed. Ashton, who sat on the edge of the bed didn't wait long and pulled the boy back.

With a huff, he finally gave in and stopped squirming in Ashton's arms.
The drummer unwrapped his legs around Luke's waist and let the blonde boy sit in between his legs.

'Come on, just this one cup', Ashton begged, still hugging Luke from behind.

'Can we.. can we just not sit like this?', Luke asked, biting his lip. He hated to be so aware of Ashton's body behind his and he hated how much it turned him on when Ashton was acting dominant.

'Sure', Ashton answered and Luke was about to let his breath out, when the drummer continued speaking, 'right after you emptied that cup.'
With a lot of self control, Luke nodded and took the cup from Ashton's hands, sipping on it.

'You know Lu, I was really worried about you', Ashton said, loosely wrapping his arms around Luke's stomach and resting his cheek on the blonde boy's right shoulder.

'Hm', Luke hummed and took another sip of the cup, hoping he could soon get out of this unfortunate position.

'Is that all you have to say?', Ashton questioned as Luke passed the cup from one hand to another. It was obvious that the boy didn't listen since he was too focused on not getting sexually aroused but of course, Ashton didn't know that.


'Hm, what?', Luke asked with a slight jump, accidentally spilling some of the water on his pants in the process.

'Nevermind. You know what? Maybe drinking water isn't a good plan right now', Ashton said and shook one of his hands, letting a few drops of water fly around.

Luke grimaced and turned around, looking at Ashton with an apologetic look on his face.

'It's fine. Maybe you should change pants though', Ashton said, looking at Luke's crotch, where the water had soaked the fabric of his sweatpants.
Not trusting his voice, the guitarist nodded as Ashton's eyes were still on his crotch that Luke had a very hard time to control.

'Then.. go on', Ashton said with a chuckle when Luke didn't move.
Finally, the blonde boy got up and awkwardly pointed to the door.

'Yeah, yeah you can get pants from your room, it's fine', Ashton laughed and watched as Luke rushed out of the room.

'Oh god', Luke mumbled as he entered his room, getting a new pair of sweatpants out of his wardrobe and changing into it. Still too embarrassed about the way he had acted, Luke sat down on his bed and buried his hot and red face in his hands.
If he would act around Ashton like that, the drummer would quickly catch in and question his behaviour. Then he would find out that Luke was jealous and wasn't even trying to get Sierra back. Ashton had rejected him once already and Luke was sure to not let that happen again. He shouldn't mess around with Ashton like that when the boy clearly had feelings for Lucas. It couldn't take long anymore for them to put a label on what they had and Luke should be a supportive best friend then.
The fact that Ashton and him had shared that kiss though was messing with Luke's mind. He really didn't want to get his hopes up, but on the other hand, Ashton had been the one kissing him and not the other way around. This had to mean something, right?

The thoughts running wild in his head caused the headache he still had to only get worse and he regretted not drinking the cup of water. Even though his heart felt heavy and seeked another rush of alcohol, Luke's head knew that this wasn't the way to go. The last thing Luke wanted was to become an alcoholic and being in the state he was in right now, he had the best conditions for becoming one.

'You should take an ibuprofen for your headache. You have to eat something first though', Ashton suddenly said, making Luke jump.

'Since when are you standing there?', Luke questioned, fearing that Ashton had seen his inner conflict. After all, the drummer knew him pretty well and stuff like this usually didn't go unnoticed by him.

'Long enough to see that you're in need of some pain relief', Ashton answered and Luke nodded. The honey blonde seemed to not have seen Luke's inner conflict, calming the guitarist a little as he followed him.

'So, what do you wanna eat?'

'If I'm being honest, I don't think I can get anything down', Luke admitted. Of course Ashton didn't take 'no' for an answer, so he made him scrambled eggs and toast.

'There you go', Ashton said and put the plate down infront of Luke. The blonde looked up at Ashton with his big blue eyes, making the drummer smile.

Luke thanked his friend and while the boy began to eat, Ashton looked for the package with the painkillers. Once he found it, he popped a tablet out and filled another glass of water, giving it to Luke.

'Don't look at me like that Lu. You have to drink at least a little water to swallow the tablet', Ashton said, making Luke close his mouth again that he had opened previously to complain. The older boy seemed to be satisfied with that and sat down on the other side of the table, waiting for Luke to be done.

'Can I ask you something?'
Luke hummed in response, waiting for his friend to continue speaking.

'Do you still love her?'

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