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'Thank you', Sierra said as they parted again and Luke smiled. Sierra lead him into the familiar livingroom and sat down on the couch. Luke followed her and sat down on the couch aswell, leaving a little space between them.


'So..', Luke said and rubbed his hands. He was unsure of how to start, even though he knew exactly what to say.

'This is kind of ridiculous', Sierra said with a sarcastic laugh, 'we used to be so close and now we don't even know how to act around each other anymore.' Luke nodded in agreement and sighed.

'I just messed up and if I'm honest, I have no idea how to fix this. All I can do is be honest with you', Luke said.

'Then do exactly that.'

'Do what?'

'Be honest with me. Tell me what you have to tell me.'

'I told you that you didn't know her, right?'

'Right', Sierra confirmed.

'That wasn't true.'

'Which part? That I don't know her or that it was a girl?', she asked, leaving Luke speechless.

'Oh, don't look at me like that. I might be small, but I'm not stupid. I saw how much you changed and I know you Luke.'

'I know..', Luke said amd swallowed thickly, 'both were lies, yeah.'

'Okay, so who was it?'

'Ashton', Luke mumbled and watched Sierra close her eyes as she tried to calm herself and collect her thoughts.



'Yes Luke, okay. I knew it was Ashton, I just wanted to hear it from you', she admitted. She leaned back into the soft cushions of the couch and looked at Luke.


'Well, I already told you that I know you better than you know yourself probably. I had a lot of time to think and I saw the way you looked at him. Also.. I talked to Crystal and she told me a few things..', Sierra said, 'please don't be mad her. She just knew things that helped me understand.'
Luke nodded understandingly, but didn't say anything. He just didn't know what to say to that, even though he was confused why Crystal knew more than the others. Had Ashton told her?

'Who-Who told her?'

'Ashton talked to her a few times and when she heard that we broke up, she felt like I deserved to know. She knew that it wasn't her place to tell, but she wanted me to know so I would maybe be a little more open for a meet up with you.'

'She's too good for us', Luke mumbled and Sierra nodded with a light giggle.

'Yeah, that's true.'

'I should probably be offended.'

'Hm, maybe.'
Once again, silence filled the room, until Luke cleared his throat, signaling that he would say something.

'You know, I think I was really confused. I never thought that I could be with a guy.'

'Were you a couple?'

'No, oh god no. We were a mess. Ashton liked me, but I was with you. Then I liked him, but he's with Lucas.'

'What about now?'

'He's with Lucas. They're together since a few days', Luke admitted, knowing that this wasn't what Sierra wanted to hear. He wasn't ready to admit any feelings to anyone.

'And you? Who do you like? After all, you called me.' She wasn't sure if she wanted to know, because she was still hopelessly in love with Luke. But Sierra was ready to move on if she had to. All she wanted was Luke to be happy and if she couldn't make him happy, maybe their relationship wasn't worth fighting for anymore.

'I don't know.. I missed you so much.'

'What hurt more? Our break-up or Ashton and Lucas getting together?'

'Both broke me.'

'Oh Lu, why only are you so bad at understanding your feelings?', Sierra asked and Luke shrugged. He hated it himself, because it made everything ten times harder than it already was anyways.

'I'm sorry. I messed up everything we had and now I can't even let you move on', Luke said on the verge of tears. Sierra immediately reacted with scooting closer and hugging Luke. The blonde melted into the touch and allowed himself to be weak infront of her as he let a tear slip out of his eye.

'I know you need time to heal, but I need to know if it's worth to wait for you', Sierra said as she rested her head on Luke's shoulder.

'Yeah, yeah of course you need to know..', Luke mumbled and closed his eyes. He went back to their first kiss and their first date. To the day he had asked her to be his girlfriend and how it felt when she had said 'yes'. He thought about the weeks they had decided to move in together and when they had looked for a house until they had found this one.
They had so much fun choosing the furniture and deciding where everything would be and Luke could remember the first night in their own shared home together as if it had happened the day before.

He felt the butterflies in his stomach and the nights and days they had spend loving each other and enjoying their life. How much she had supported him in everything he had done and how well she had always reacted when he had to work. All the thick and thins they had gone through and he felt the warmth of her love in his heart when he took a deep breath, 'don't wait for me.'

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