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Lux Brumalis
(The light of winter)


A delicious and mouth watering scent hits Taehyung right after he enters the apartment complex, which is just a few blocks away from the college.

Hope spreads after recognizing it as his favorite dish, thinking that Jungkook, who has been home all day while he went to classes since morning, thought it would be a good idea to surprise his favorite roommate.

Taehyung happily walks up the staircase towards the first floor where their apartment is located, letting the smell increase and glide delightfully into his nostrils. His bag is slightly bouncing with every step before he finds the front door of the shared flat.

But, just as he turns the key to open the barrier, it becomes clear that this scent isn't coming from his apartment but from their neighbors, and so his smile fades, being not only disappointed in Jungkook now, but also feeling the exhaustion of the day nagging at him to get rest.

As Taehyung, now with a tired expression and grumbling stomach, walks further into the hallway, he kicks his shoes off and lays his bag neatly aside, thinking about just ordering something and then continuing with the next projects his professor assigned today.

The surroundings are darkened and silent, just the way Jungkook likes. But there is still light coming from the living room - and as much as Taehyung just wants to pass out on the floor, he still manages to drag himself towards the direction.

"Hey." Taehyung greets once he passes the doorframe, letting his eyes travel lazily around the room only to spot Jungkook lying on the couch while playing a captivating game on his phone.

The other Male shortly glances at him, before returning his gaze to the display, absentmindedly replying "Hey, thought you gonna bring food home?" He buries himself further into the oversized black hoodie and nibbles concentrated at his botton lip.

Taehyung only scoffs before glaring softly at Jungkook, halfheartedly wishing their neighbors to enjoy their meal. "Couldn't you just cook something, asshole?"

"Didn't we indirectly agree on getting something from Bella Italia at Thursdays?" Jungkook questions in return, having his eyes still on the phone while the screen reflects itself on them. Taehyung has always been amazed by the gamers ability to not blink once while playing.

"Did we?" Taehyung asks skeptically as he moves to throw his whole body on Jungkooks lying posture above the couch, earning a grunt from him but no protest. "because I don't think I would agree on this."

Taehyung shuffles above him to be able to watch what game Jungkook is playing, being just in time to see him losing with a soft sigh, thumbs now hovering above the screen motionlessly.

"You distracted me." the younger Male grumbles.

"Good." Taehyung breaths with a cheeky smile, snuggling more into Jungkooks side, "can we go out now? You can tell me by dinner how much you're blaming me for being a loser."

Jungkook only takes a deep breath at him, being just the slightest bit provoked by that. "you sure can be a pain sometimes." Jungkook says eventually "but it's your turn paying."

Taehyung looks up at Jungkooks seemingly annoyed expression, but still smiles with gladness which lets his eyes unintentionally shine. And as much as Jungkook would never admit it out loud, he likes the way Taehyung basically glows whenever he gets what he wants. It's scary what he could ask Jungkook to do, he would probably even give the world to him.

"Anything for you, baddie." Taehyung states happily before jumping up to let Jungkook slowly lift his upper body into a sitting position. Both of their exhaustion is temporary forgotten while thinking about the dishes in the Italian restaurant down the street.

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