Chapter 12

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I really needed to leave tonight. I just can't handle this anymore. Nessa just got here, and she's not letting me leave LA. "Nessa.. I have to.." I said. I was crying, she was too. "Dayna please stay.. just until I go home, then we can leave together.." she said holding my hands. My thoughts was floating around my head. I looked at the others individually and then I got to Jaden. Jaden Hossler. He nodded and mouthed a please. I can't leave. I can't leave him.. he was the only person that was going through my mind right now. I then looked at Mads and I can feel she doesn't care if I leave or not. I just hope her and Jaden are good again. I nodded. "I'm staying.." I said. Nessa hugged me really tight. "Fill me in on everything that happened." She said. I nodded. We went upstairs and sat on Jaden's bed. "I got here with Riley and everything took a turn. I heard Jaden talk to Griffin about me because Jaden is confused. I ran away over to Tyler and Riley. I came back because Josh was worried. Then Griffin and I got really close and he told me he liked me, but I told him I saw him as a friend for now. He said he would wait if I changed my mind. Then Mads came and Jaden and her started fighting because Mads thinks I like him..." I explained. "Wow that's a lot.." she said. I nodded. "Don't tell anyone, but the only thing why I won't leave right now is because I can't leave Jaden.. I can feel something weird between us.. like we've known each other our hole life, but maybe it's just me overthinking.." I said looking down. "And I can't leave you since you just here.." I said looking up again. My eyes watered. "Oh girl. That's a lot of drama right there, but remember you can't change how Jaden feels. It's not working like that. And so what if Mads doesn't like you, it's not the point. The point is that you love yourself before you love someone else.." she said. The last thing really hit me because that was one of the last things my mom said to me and Riley before she passed away.. "thanks Nessa, that last thing really hit, you know.." I said giggling a little. "Oh yeah. You have been saying that to be a lot so I just wanted to remind you.." she said giggling. Then someone knocked. "Come in!" Nessa yelled..
I saw the hurt in Dayna's eyes while looking at me. It was hurting me too. I didn't want her to leave now, not ever!! She's literally everything to me. I would do anything to protect her.. I love her so much.
Nessa and Dayna went upstairs to talk. I went into the kitchen. Mads and I have talked it out and she believes that Dayna and I are just friends. She's leaving early in the morning tomorrow. And Dayna is leaving in like a week. I went upstairs but I got stopped by Josh. "Are you gonna go check up on Dayna?" He asked as worried as me. "Yeah, I'm really worried.." I said. "I think she would rather talk to you than us.." he said. "I think she will tell you when she's ready.." I said. He nodded.
I knocked on the door. "Com in!" I heard Nessa yell. "Hey girls, may I come in?" I asked, standing at the doorway. "Sure!" Dayna said. I walked over to Dayna and sat me beside her. "Are you okay?" I asked, taking my arms around her like when we were at Starbucks. She smiled. "I think so.." she said. Nessa then stood up. "I will let you two talk alone.." she said. "Remember to fill me in later!" Nessa said to Dayna. "Get out now!" Dayna said laughing.
"Wanna talk?" I asked her. "I'm sorry for all that with Mads.. she really doesn't like me.. I don't want to ruin anything!" She said. "Mads and I are good again." I said. She smiled. "But I still have to leave in a week.." she said quietly. "The only thing I don't understand is why are you actually leaving?" I asked. "I can't tell you, Jaden.." she said standing up. "Please Dayna!" I said.
'Wait, are we fighting now? Please say no..'
"Jaden I can't! It's gonna change everything!" She said. We both looked at each other. "Just tell me Dayna, I don't ca-" I said before she interrupted me. "Because I'm confused about everything and everyone is confusing me, okay?!" She said yelling. I opened my arms for her and she ran over to me crying so much. "I love you, Dayna. Remember that.." I whispered kissing her forehead. "I love you too, Jay.." she said..

Thanks for reading! And thanks for 440+ reads! It's insane! I love you so much ❤️

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