The End

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I know this isn't a epilogue, but I'm gonna do something else now.
"Here we are kids!" I said. They were so happy for their new rooms. Yes we got a new house after living where Jaden and I lived after moving out of sway. People were showing up a lot and the kids needed to come away, so we moved to another neighborhood with more safety. The kids are too young to understand that right now, but they will soon when they get older.
They ran around outside. We got a pool and a trampoline.. Henry is 4 and Vanessa is 3. Henry loves soccer and football.. Vanessa loves gymnastics and volleyball.. Vanessa actually just started to gymnastics and Henry just started to soccer, and he sometimes plays football with Jaden.
—Time skip—
"What about we are getting pizza tonight?" I asked. "Yaaaaayy pizza!!" The kids said. Jaden laughed. "Let's go then.." he said.
We got out to the car and drove to the nearest pizzeria. We ordered our food and it was so close to the beach, so we ate there.. it made me think about the first "hang out" Jaden and I were on.. it was one of the best days ever! "Remember our first "hang out"?" I asked. He nodded. "This place remind me of it.." I said. He smiled. "I can't believe you actually remember that! It's so long ago.." he said. "One of my best days ever.." I said putting my head on his shoulder. "Mine too.." he said.
We watched the kids play in the sand, but it was time to go home.. I didn't feel well..

We got home and put the kids in their beds and said goodnight. I walked down the stairs, and then it all went black.
As I was saying goodnight to Henry, I heard a loud boom. Henry was fast asleep so he didn't hear anything. I ran downstairs and saw Dayna on the floor. "DAYNA!! Wake up!!" I said sitting with my phone calling 9-1-1. I explained to them what happened. "Okay, an ambulance will get there in 5 minutes." She said and I hung up. I called Bryce and Josh to get here to take care of the kids. "We will be there in 5 minutes.." they said.
We got to the hospital and they ran some tests. I waited there for so long and I couldn't take it anymore.
The doctor finally came 10 minutes later. "News?" I asked. He smiled. "She's okay, nothing serious.." he said. I was relieved. "Good! Can I take her home?" I asked. He nodded. "Thank you." I said. I ran into her room and saw her laying there. "I can take you home.." I said. She smiled. "Let me help you.." I said. She nodded. I helped her out to the car and took her home.
We got to the house, and everyone was there. Like everyone.. Riley, Tayler, Nessa, Bryce, Josh, Kio, Griffin, Noah, Blake, Quinton and Anthony.. I haven't seen so many of them for years! "Omg.. your all here!?" I said. "Hey man.." Griffin said. "We would have surprised you guys tomorrow, but we heard about Dayna so we got here fast." Kio said. "Thank you guys.." I said. Then Dayna came inside because she wouldn't let me help her. "Jaden, can you please get me-" was all she got to say before she saw everyone. "Water?" She said with a surprised look on her face. "GUYS!!" She yelled giving them all a big hug. "Easy, Dayna.." Nessa said laughing. Josh came over to Nessa and hugged her. "Wait, are you back together?" I asked getting really happy. "Yeah.." she said. "That's great, I'm happy for you, man!" I said.

We talked for awhile and catches up, but it was getting really late.
"Hey everyone, thank you for coming and check on me..I'm fine, just dehydrated.." Dayna said. "We should do this some other time in the future.." Blake said. Everyone looked at each other.. "I agree.." I said.

The End
So... this book is done.. I will THANK YOU everyone for reading and voting for this book. I'm so grateful for all the people who follows me and for everyone who read this book❤️.
Please come with ideas and people I should write about in my next story

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