Chapter 21

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It's now 5am and I'm getting ready for Playlist! Can't wait to meet everyone. It's a great opportunity to get to know my fans, and meet them. They mean a lot to me! They're like a big family to me. I love them so much.
"Nessa! Riley! Wake up!!" I yelled through the apartment before going down the hall to see if Tayler was awake. I knocked on the door, and Tayler opened it. "Good, you're awake!" I said. "Yes I am." He said. I told Tayler we meet out here 5 minutes before we leave, so we can check if we have everything we need. Passport, phones, chargers and more for the plane. I told the same to Nessa and Riley when I got back.

Josh just texted me that they were ready to leave, right when we were going out of the door. We were going to the sway house so we could go with each other to the airport, even though we aren't driving in the same cars, but so we don't have to wait on each other.
We are now at the sway house and all the boys stood outside. Right when they saw our car, they hopped into the ones they were driving in.

We got to the airport about 20 minutes later. Now we just have to find a parking spot. "Hey guys! There is three spots right over there!" Jaden yelled out of the window. We drove to the spots and we all got out of the cars and got our stuffs from the cars.
I was walking with Jaden around the airport and we talked and laughed. Everything was perfect! There was ofc fans everywhere. We love meeting them all, but we didn't really have time. At this point when we got back, our flight was called. We went to the gate. Everyone was so fast, but Jaden took my hand and walked with me. I smiled at him. "Thanks.." I said holding on to his hand. "No problem.." he said.
We got onto the plane, and I was sitting beside Jaden. "Hey Jaden, can I use you as a pillow? I haven't slept much.." I asked yawning. He nodded. I put my headphones in and fell asleep..
Dayna fell asleep on my shoulder. I put my head on top of hers while watching a movie on the screen in front of me. I can tell you, she's cute when she sleeps. Josh and Nessa sat on the other side in the same rank as us, so I was mostly talking to them. "Sooo, when will you do the big thing you have?" Nessa asked while whispering. I shrugged. "Idk, the day before we leave?" I said more with a question. "Good idea!" Josh said. I then felt Dayna moving her head and opened her eyes. "Good morning.." I said giggling. "Good morning.. when are we there?" She asked. "About an hour.." I said. She nodded and put her headphones back on. She looked out of the window while humming. I looked at her with wide eyes when she started singing a little. It sounded so good! Josh and Nessa looked at her too. Then she figured out we all were starring at her. "What?" She asked taking on out of her ear. "You can sing?" Riley asked at first. "Wait you didn't know, Riley?" I asked. She shook her head no. "It sounds really good, Dayna!" Nessa said. She didn't know either? "Uhm, I didn't mean to sing out loud.. I only sing in the shower, or when no one is home.." she said shyly. "You should come out more with your voice.." I said hugging her. "I agree!" Everyone said at the same time while raising their hands. "I don't know, mby?" She said. I nodded.

We landed at it was soooo hot outside. We got picked up in vans where they had a sign where there was written "Playlist". They asked individually who's who and stuff. We all got in the same van and went to the hotel. "Now that I think about.. this is actually the first meeting everyone of your friends irl.." Dayna said. "Me too.." Nessa said. "Me three.." Riley said. The boys and I looked at each other. "I've never thought about that!" Josh said. Everyone else agreed. "I will promise they will like you guys!" Anthony said. The girls nodded all three nodded.

We got to the hotel and we met everyone. The girls got really close to them fast! "You were right, Jaden. Everyone is so nice.." Dayna said. I laughed hugging her tight. I then saw Mads.. oh no.. we walked away while I still was hugging Dayna. She can't see her.. "Jaden, I know Mads is here, relax.." she said. We stopped and I looked at her. "Wait really? I thought you didn't?" I said. "Tayler told me.." she said. I nodded. "Hopefully she didn't see us though.." she said. I took her hand. "Remember, I will protect you no matter what.." I said. She nodded. "Thanks.." she said. I kissed her forehead as a 'no problem'.

We got to the reservation and got our keys to our rooms. The boys were split in two groups: Anthony, Josh, Q and me, and then Griffin, Tayler, Bryce and Kio. The girls got one room, because they were only three. Our rooms were on the same hall. Thank god! Then we didn't have to go with elevator or take the stairs to visit each other.
"Boys! Remember you have your first q&a in like 10 minutes, so you have to get your stuff packed out later. We will come backstage watching you!" Nessa yelled. "Okay, see ya later!!" The boys yelled.
The boys q&a
"Hey everyone! Welcome to Playlist!!" The interviewer yelled out to the screaming fans. "Today we have a q&a with the sway boys!!" He yelled again. Then we went out on stage while the girls were standing beside the stage. "Hey guys!" "What's popping?" We all said. Everyone screamed. "So the first question is for you Tayler. I have heard rumors that you are officially together with Riley Richards aka Josh's cousin, is that true?" He asked. Tayler was smiling. "Uhm, yes, it is official.." he said. The fans were so happy for him. "Couple goals, right here!" He said.
"We are now at the last question for Jaden.." he said. Oh no.. "do you have a crush on someone?" He asked.
Did I heard it right? Is Jaden now doing it official that he likes me? Omg. "Uhm yes I do.." he said smiling. "Who?" The interviewer asked. "She's one of the girls at the stairs.." he said pointing at me to come up. As I walked on stage everyone was screaming. "Hey guys!" I said in the microphone. "Dayna Richards!" He yelled. "Do you like him back?" He asked. I blushed and said yes. "Just date already please!" A fan yelled. We all laughed.
"That was all for today everyone! See ya next time!" He yelled. We waved at everyone yelling bye. "Is it okay I told everyone?" He asked holding around my shoulders. I nodded. "They would have found out sooner or later.." I said. He nodded.
We went back to the rooms and hung out to late. We then went to our rooms and we all said goodnight. And tomorrow is our meet and greet.
We just hit 11k views, 210+ votes and a lot of positive comments! Thank you!! I can't be more happy right now! It's going so fast and great with this book, but the sad thing is, at some point it has to end.. it isn't ending now, relax! But thank you again, love you❤️

Over the years - Jaden Hossler •COMPLETE•Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant