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[you walk out of the office and see troy standing by
your next class. he daps you up]

troy: what's up
cameron: i got suspended again
troy: wack
cameron: wait, theres more
troy: okkk
cameron: they are switching my schedule
troy: what why!?
cameron: probably to teach me a lesson
troy: no, what the hell, who am i gonna hype up when they fight with the teacher? and who else and i gonna y'all to in class.
cameron: idk man, it sucks for me too. i hate this. they are gonna make someone 'mentor' me.
troy: that's ass
cameron: ikr
troy: ight lets go in before the teacher yells at us for being late

[you both laugh and walk into class. the rest of the day was pretty boring.]

skip to after school

it was the end of the day, you grabbed your stuff and immediately left the classroom. you got hungry so you decided to go to chick-fil-a. you ordered and sat down on your phone eating chicken nuggets. got stood up to get a refill. you refilled your cup and turned around. you were walking and you crash into some tall dude with thick dark hair, olive skin, and brown eyes. your drink got all over your white shirt.

???: Oh shit, i'm sorry.
Cameron: 'oH sHiT iM sOrRy' yeah like that's gonna get the soda off of my clothes
???: here lemme help
[the boy grabs a couple on napkins and starts handing them to you]
Cameron: bro, it's done. it's not gonna come off
??: damn chill i was just tryna be nice. don't go trippin
Cameron: tf did u say? and i don't think spilling a drink on someone is being nice in the first place, asshole.
??: whatever, bye hoe
Cameron: bye jackass

[you go to the bathroom and try to clean your shirt but it didn't work. you got in your car and drove off mad.]

incoming call from Sam💙

you answered the phone and put it on speaker

Cameron: Hey Sam, whats up
Sam: hey kiddo, wanna have dinner today?
Cameron: sure thing
Sam: great, spaghetti or burgers
Cameron: spaghetti
Sam: good, i wanted spaghetti too
Cameron: Haha, okay bye sam. love you.
Sam: bye kiddo, love you too. see u soon.

call ended

you went to your house without making your dad notice, changed into black sweats and a white crop top and white air forces.

you sneak back downstairs and close the door lightly. you get in your car but you parked it at the end of the street so your dad doesn't hear. you drive to sams house which is 10 minutes away. sam always his door open for you and if not, you have a key. you walk in and see sam preparing the tomato sauce for the spaghetti.

Cameron: Hey sam
Sam: sup kiddo, how was school?
Cameron: about thattt..

[sam puts the spoon down]

Sam: Cameron...
Cameron: uhhh...
Sam: Cameron, did you get suspended again?
Cameron: yes
Sam: Cameron, you cant be acting up at school like that. your father might not care about your school work but i do.

cameron's thoughts

i don't care if i make anyone mad. or sad. i really dont. but if it's sam, he makes me feel like shit. i disappointed him. again. he has a way of making me feel bad. i hate that i love him so much

end of thoughts

Sam: Cameron..
Cameron: i'm sorry, Sam. it won't happen again. My principal got fed up so now he is changing my whole schedule. he thinks it will change me.
Sam: will it

[u shrug]

Sam: cameron, you need to realize that school is important. your grades are good but i know if you tried, they can be great.
Cameron: well i learned my lesson, now how was your day?
Sam: pretty good, i went to a job interview
Sam: but...
Cameron: but what
Sam: it's gonna involve me driving long distances so i won't be around as much as i am
Cameron: oh
Sam: i won't take it if u don't want me to, Cameron. you come first.
Cameron: well yes, i am going to miss you. But this is a big deal. if it's what will pay bills, and makes u happy, then u should take the job
Sam: are you sure Cam?
Cameron: of course. it's up to you
Sam: i love you kiddo

[he wraps his arm around you and starts messing up your hair and tickling you]

Cameron: a hahahha sammmm
Sam: okay okay, i'll stop. hows your dad
Cameron: being a lazy fuck like usually
Sam: Cam...
Cameron: sorry sorry, he's fine. i tried avoiding him today so i haven't talked to him.
Sam: cool, sooo who about you spend the night, we make some popcorn, and watch movies tomorrow sense u won't be at school
Cameron: sam i would love to but you know how my dad is.
Sam: cmonnn, u don't wanna spend time with your favorite uncle?
Cam: sammm
Sam: okay okay, i get it. well spaghetti is ready, let's eat.

[you guys have dinner and you stick around for a bit but eventually have to go home]

Cameron: i have to go sam, i'll see you tomorrow. thanks for dinner.
Sam: of course kiddo. have a good night, love you.
Cameron: thanks sam, u too. love you more

[you walk out and it's 7:40. you start the car and go to your house. you get a little uneasy because you know your dad will be mad]

[you walk in and he's laying on the couch with a bed in his hand with several empty beer bottles around him]

Cameron: H-Hey dad
Y/D: where the hell have you been?
Cameron: with sam
Y/D: you little shit, why didn't you tell me?!
Cameron: i didn't think you would-
Cameron: y-yes, dad

[u make dinner for him and he sits down and pulls out two beers from the fridge. you sit down and look at him. he opens both beers and hand one to you]

Cameron: w-what's this.
Y/D: a fcken beer you dumb shit, drink it.
Cameron: i-i don't want to
Y/D: i said,,, drink it

[you look at him  and back at the bottle. you drink but you don't like to take anything from your dad. you take a sip and hold it in your mouth]

Y/D: swallow it

[you shake your head]


[u couldn't stand it, you spit it out. you dad starts laughing like crazy while u sit there in fear]

Y/D: i knew you wouldn't do it, but you do as i say
Cameron: I-

[before you could continue your sentence, he smashes an empty beer bottle against your head/forehead. you touch your forehead and see blood. you look at your dad]

Y/D: go clean that up. get the hell out of my face too. i cant stand your ugly face. just like your mother's.

[you broke down at those words and picked up the glass while shaking. after u picked up the glass, you went to your room and smoked weed. your dad smoked as well so it didn't matter if it smelled, it was normal. you sat there by your window and you saw a little girl and her mom and dad playing in their front yard. you looked at them and a tear went down your face slowly. that's all you wanted. your family back together. you got high and sat there listening to music. you took a picture of your wound because you dad hits you a lot so you take pictures of your progress. seeing if it's gets better, worse, escalation of abuse. things like that. your high went away and u ran out of weed soon. you got up, looked downstairs, and saw your dad was passed out drunk on the couch. u decided to sneak out and go to your plug. u got you'd skateboard and snuck out the window]


𝚛𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚛𝚌𝚘𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛 | 𝗺𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐚 𝐩𝗼𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐢𝗼 Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora