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Cameron: DADDD??
[you check the whole house and your dad wasn't home. you didn't care. you weren't getting beaten which is all that mattered. you took off your clothes and took pictures of your wounds and showered. you cleaned and disinfected you cuts and put ointment for your black eye.]


           katie<3 added you on snapchat!
           1 new message from Sam💙
          .kairi followed you on instagram!

[you saw that kairi followed you on instagram. you didn't care so you didn't check his page but you were confused and suprised. you changed into some black leggings, a oversized hoodie, and put your hair up in a messy bun. you watched 13 reasons why and turned on your led lights. you got bored so you ate an edible, had your trip, and started watching tv. you started smoking but didn't get high. something was bugging you and you weren't in the mood. just a habit. you decided to text troy for the millionth time.


                                                               avoiding me or sum?
                                                      please answer i'm worried    if this is about me eating your last cookie i'm sorry 😔
                                                         troyyyy answer brooooo
delivered 5:32


hey kiddo, just wanna check up on you.
how are you?
hey sam! im good :) you?

im great pumpkin, wanna have dinner tomorrow?

sounds great! i'll be there at 6 :)

perfect. see you then. love you kiddo.

love you too sam <3

you sigh and slouch back into your bed and decide to see kairis insta. you got onto his page and saw how many followers he had

Cameron: holy shit

you look at his pictures and accidentally like a picture from 2018

Cameron: fuck, fuck, FUCK FUCK FUCK NOOOOOO

[you quickly unlike but you knew he already got a notification]

1 new message from .kairi

kairi: stalking i see
Cameron: it was unintentional. i wasn't stalking
kairi: the picture was from 2 years ago
Cameron: fuck off, when we're you finna tell me you guys are famous
kairi: you didn't know?
Cameron: i don't pat attention to anyone at school
kairi: do u have tik tok?
Cameron: yeah but i barely go one there
kairi: oh, well we got famous on there
Cameron: cool i guess
kairi: so your not gonna try to be our friend for clout right?
Cameron: tbh, ion wanna be your guys friend in general. idc if u guys have clout💀🤚🏽
kairi: really
Cameron: mhm
kairi: thanks
Cameron: huh
kairi: usually people try to get close to us for clout or to get with us
Cameron: oh, well i ain't doin this for you☺️☺️
kairi: can u not be rude for once
Cameron: no
kairi: i tried to save your ass when u fell
Cameron: i can take care of myself
kairi: how is your knee
Cameron: fine
kairi: dry much?
Cameron: yes
kairi: wyd
Cameron: fucking your dad
kairi: bruh
Cameron: bruh
kairi: are you ever gonna tell me how you got the black eye and cuts?
Cameron: why u wanna know so bad? it isn't your problem
kairi: bc your my friend and i wanna know
Cameron: number 1, we are not friends. i dont even know why i'm still texting you. 2, fine
kairi: welp- ima change that. and really??
Cameron: yes, i went skating and this girl got mad bc i tripped her at the skate park, punched me, then her friends all ganged up on me and pushed me into a thorn brush and rocks.
kairi: woah, i'm sorry.
Cameron: it's all good, i could've taken her but her nosey ass friends had to jump in.
kairi: why did u trip her
Cameron: she was talkin shit so i tripped her and embarrassed her infront of a bunch of dudes and her friends. but i didn't go down without a fight so i also gave her a black eye and hurt her friends😌

if i was gonna make up a bullshit story, i can't make myself look weak🙂

kairi: woah, thats lowk pretty badass
Cameron: no hun, i am the badass.
kairi: noted, do they go to passaic?
Cameron: nah, they from _______
kairi: oh okay, well at least u landed a punch :)
Cameron: nah, i landed 20 :)
kairi: respect
Cameron: do you need anything else cosentino?
kairi: no
Cameron: then we are done here
kairi: wait no
read 5:55 PM
kairi: don't leave me on read
kairi: im bored
Cameron: then go hang out with your shitty friends☺️
kairi: they aren't shitty
read 5:57 PM
kairi: bruh
kairi: fine, i'm not bored.
Cameron: i still don't see a reason to respond
kairi: wyd
Cameron: bouta go on a skate
kairi: where
Cameron: you care bc?
kairi: where
Cameron: im going to the pond by the park
kairi: cool
Cameron: better not pull anything cosentino
kairi: i won't
Cameron: okay, i can't skate and text, bye luv xx.
kairi: don't go british on me "luv"
Cameron: bye cosentino
kairi: bye
read 6:00 PM


annoying ass hoe



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