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[all of class you ignored mattia and he ignored you. u didn't really need him. he was just, there]


[you get out of class and just go straight out into the lunch area/ cafeteria. u were looking for troy but couldn't find him. u actually went to the bathroom this time and walked out and u didn't know who to sit with bc you couldn't find troy. you sit at table alone until someone comes and sit next to you]

Katie: heyyy
Cameron: oh, hey.
Katie: i was tryna get your attention in class all day but you didn't hear me.
Cameron: oh sorry, i don't pay attention to who is in my classes and i have my airpods in the whole time
Katie: hahaha no problem
Cameron: guess what
Katie: what
Cameron: mattia is my mentor for the next few weeks
Katie: no way
Cameron: yup
Katie: u finally learned his name
Cameron: i didn't even know he existed, i don't pay
attention to anyone at school.
Katie: that's a good and bad thing
Cameron: why bad
Katie: well he's a huge player. he sleeps with tons of girls and has a new whore by his side everyday.
Cameron: isn't he dating that girl
Katie: Jenna? yeah but she made him. she's clingy. they will probably break up by tonight
Cameron: welp
Katie: yeah, every girl drools over him. he loves attention but he's an asshole
Cameron: how
Katie: he just uses girls and he's so cocky and full of himself
Cameron: seems like him
Katie: how has he been towards you
Cameron: i haven't even given him a chance, i shut him out a lot. but from what i have seen, he shuts up. sometimes though.
Katie: he's not used to it. you aren't at his beck and calling.
Cameron: good, i ain't like those whores.
Katie: i dig that

[you guys talk for a while and Katie was really nice. she wasn't fake. she knew how to keep a conversation.]

Katie: once i got to know you, you aren't the mean, cocky, selfish person people think u are
Cameron: sh, thanks. i don't look at it that why i just have that "i don't give a fuck, get the fuck out of my face, did i ask, go away" type of personality
Katie: are u like that with everyone?
Cameron: usually but like the only person i'm not like that with is troy and my uncle. and now you.
Katie: i feel honored
Cameron: u should

[you both laugh and continue eating. soon, katie's friends call her over]

Katie: i have to go. it was fun talking to you. you are hella chill.
Cameron: thanks

[she waves and walks away. you sit there on your phone until you hear laughter and chatter coming from another table. you look over and it's mattia and his minions. they are all laughing " discreetly" look at you. u shove it off but you keep hearing them laugh and you have enough of it. you get an idea so you throw your trash away and walk over with your backpack all flirtatiously]

Cameron: hey boysss
Mattia: what the fuck do you want?
Cameron: you guys were laughing and looking at me so i just came over here to see what all the fuss is about

[you look over at ale and sit next to him and smirk]

Cameron: hey dimples, what's your name?
Ale: Alejandro
Cameron: oh, cute.

[u tap his nose and look over at the boys. they were all confused.]

Cameron: don't be rude, introduce your selves.
Roshaun: i'm roshaun
Alvaro: i'm alvaro
Kairi: i'm kairi
Robert: i'm robert
Cameron: cool, so what were u guys laughing at.

[mattia laughs and whispers under his breath]

Mattia: you..
Cameron:what was that polibio??

[mattia stays quiet and you look over at ale all flirty]

Cameron: don't i have you in 3rd, 4th, and 5th??
Ale: yeah
Cameron: aw such a shame i can't see you more often :(
Ale: yeah, ahaha
Cameron: so, do u have a girlfriend??
Ale: no
Cameron: great, so i can do this?
Ale: do wha-

[before he could continue, you cut him off and smash you lips against his. he kissed back. you pull away all seductively and bit your lip. you grab your back back and head into the hallways]

Ale: what-
Kairi: the-
Mattia: [sternly] Fuck

[he grabs his backpack and and heads into the hallways looking for you. you were by your locker spamming troy bc he wouldn't answer. you look up and there stands mattia, pissed as hell]

Mattia: what the fuck was that?
Cameron: [innocently] what was what?
Mattia: don't play dumb, why would u do that?
Cameron: your friend is cute
Mattia: what are you trying to do, Cameron?

[you put your phone down and put on your typical resting bitch face]

Cameron: okay, polibio. i'll tell you. i don't like being fucked around with. i'm not another one of your hoes that gets pushed around and made fun of. i'm not an idiot. you ain't gonna go talking behind my back and shut without getting something in return. ion talk about people. i show them what payback is. okay? i'm not gonna sit here and play your games.
Mattia: what games!?
Cameron: i have known people like you, polibio. i'm not gonna do this all over again. that, was just a little reminder to stay in your place, before i put you in it.
Mattia: your fuckin crazy, hoe.
Cameron: no, i'm not. i'm a bitch that's keeping you humble.

[you smack your locker shut and walk away to who knows where. you just didn't wanna be there]

end of the day

troy wasn't answering you so you skated home by yourself. you weren't looking forward to it because you knew your dad will find a reason to hit you.

at home

Cameron: hey dad
Y/D: ...
Cameron: dad?
Y/D: be useful and get me a beer

[you go get him a beer and sit down in the kitchen. you made a whipped coffee (that shit trending of tik tok where the coffee is fluffy n shit). as you were walking over to the sink to but the cup away, it hit the counter and fell out of your hands, shattering all over the marble floors. your dad looks over and u stand there in fear. he walker over to you and picks up a piece of glass, hits you on your stomach and face. you fall the the floor and throws the glass on you, leaving a cut in your cheek]

Y/D: you clumsy hoe, can't do anything right.

[you stand up crying and pick up the glass. you go to the bathroom and take pictures of the cut and the developing bruises. you try to clean it but it kept bleeding. you covered it with a wet towel and watched netflix but fell asleep. it was about 7pm when your dad came bathing in your room]

Y/D: get up you lazy piece of shit. make dinner.
Cameron: yes, sir


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