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"pass the chips hoe, a bitch gets hungry too" joked cameron
"you already ate the cookies" troy whined.
"i will slit your throat troy" cameron intimidated

not even a quarter of a second later, a bag of chips went flying across the back of the bus.

"that's what i thought, asshole" cameron exploded.

cameron opens the bag of chips and a hand once again, went straight into the bag.

"what is it with your and taking my damn snack, polibio?" yelled cameron.
"i do not" mattia replied.
"yes you do whore" she said.

mattia shrugged his shoulders and continued to take chips from the bag. cameron was unfazed at this point.
later on mattia pulled out a pack of gum.

cameron reaches her hand out and try's to get a stick of gum until a hand swats her small boney hand.

"ay what the hell" she snapped
"it's my gum" he defended.
"that food you ate, yeah those were MY chips and MY cookies" cameron im formed.
"technically you didn't have to give me any, ypu could have said no" he spat.

you roll your eyes and go on your phone.

"can i lay on you? i'm tired" kairi whispered sweetly.
"aw of course" you replied.

you moved your backpack off your lap and kairi later his head on your thighs and you started to play with his hair. soon enough he fell asleep like a little baby.

you look down at the small boy as he's asleep and smile. you move the hair out of his face and run your nail along the side of his soft cheeks and over his plump lips.

they boys hair kept falling over his face so you grabbed two small hair ties and did two little pony tails. you smiled as you wrapped the second rubber tie around his soft hair and smoothed the bridge of his nose.

you softly snored and you lightly giggled. you tapped the end of his nose and said "boop". ale turned around and smiled then took out his phone.

"smile" he softly said. you lowered your head next to his and did this face "😌" as you flipped off the camera.

"perfect" he giggled.

you smiled and put your hands below neck (not choking him) and put on your airpods. you listened to "party favor" by billie eilish.

you don't know what got into you but you got in a good mood. everything seemed beautiful at the moment. you looked past mattia at the window and saw all the green the went on for miles and miles. it looked like the trees went on forever.

the sunlight beamed through the cloudy sky and it looked beautiful. the windows still had water droplets on them from when it rained and it was humid.

everything was so perfect in its natural beauty.

you looked over at mattia and he was slowly dozing to sleep. you smile at him and put his hood up. he was caught off guard by your action but didn't go against it. when you were done putting up his hood you grabbed the sides of his face and turned it away from the window to the light won't hit his eyes and he could sleep easier.

you sweetly smiled at him

"thanks" he mumbled.

"no problem. its a long ride. you should get rest." you replied.

"wait, i'm not supposed to let you fall asleep"

"don't worry about me polibio, get some rest" you said as you stroked his hair out of his face with your finger. you put your hand down and see him looking at you.

"what" you giggled.

"nothing" he simply replied.



you look beautiful when the golden sunlight hits your tan skin. it makes your eyes look like honey.


damn it.


"okay, get sleep polibio." you recalled.

mattias eyes slowly closed at those words and fell into a deep sleep with that image of the light hitting camerons face in his mind.


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