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[you grab your board and skate into the distance. you put your airpods in at full blast and couldn't hear anything. then sum was going down and it was getting cold. you skated to your plug, Jacobs, house. his parents are never home so he has people there 24/7 and that's why they sell there. you were approaching his neighborhood and already heard the music blaring from his house. you took your airpods out and put them away so people don't try to take them from you or trade them. you finally get to Jacobs house]

Jacob: well look who it is, Cameron Hernandez
Cameron: shut the hell up Jacob

[you stare eachother down for a second until you both burst out laughing. all of his friends look at you guys in confusion]

Cameron: how are you man

[you dap him up]

Jacob: i'm good Cam, so you here for more?
Cameron: you know it
Jacob: usual?
Cameron: yessir
Jacob: Hey, justin, go get that for me won't ya?
Justin: sure thing

[Justin goes to the back to get yo🍃]

Jacob: Hows your pops
Cameron: telling from the giant cut on my forehead, what do you think?
Jacob: i'm sorry cam, u don't deserve it. you still taking pictures of your progress?
Cameron: yeah
Jacob: [hesitantly] can i um- see them?
Cameron: uh yeah sure

[you pull up the pictures from months ago to today and show them to Jacob]

Jacob: oh my god, Cameron, the have gotten wo-
Cameron: yes, i know, worse. i can tell... and feel it.
Jacob: come here

[he opens your arms to give you a hug. u hesitated because you don't like showing emotions, but still went for it. he hugged you and you cut it off.]

Cameron: thanks Jake
Jacob: no problem, cam.
Justin: ight here

[he hands u the weed. you give him money]

Jacob: here

[u see a pack of short nerds rope in his hand. obviously edibles]

Cam: whats this.
Jacob: you deserve it. just a lil sum to make you feel better
Cam: thanks man, how much
Jacob: nah your good, go, have fun.
Cam: thanks jacob

[you give him a faint smile and take off on your skateboard]

Justin: how long have u guys known eachother?
Jacob: lets just say, i have been here for her worst moments. she has been having her worst moments since she small.
Justin: bro, isn't she like a junior? your a sophomore in college.
Jacob: and? nothing has ever happened between us. i have known her forever. she's like a little sister to me.
Justin: oh okay, is that why u gave her free edibles?
Jacob: nah man, her life is pretty rough. u have no idea. she needs it. more than anyone.
Justin: whatever you say man
you were heading out of Jacobs neighborhood and skating in the middle of the street bc they were empty until a car swerved out of your way.

[u still had your airpods on blaring music so that's why u didn't hear the car]

you walk over to the car and see the boys from chick-fil-a and and short, dark skinned boy with braids in his hair.
Cameron: so first, you drop my drink all over me, now you almost ran me over with your car
??- you weren't fucking paying attention
Cameron: your the one that doesn't know how to drive bumblefuck
??: what brings your around here?
Cameron: you care becauseeeee??
??: you have weed on you
Cameron: What?
??: i can smell it
Cameron: i- whatever, please don't kill me.

[you look at the passenger seat and see the dark skinned boy]

Cameron: ay travis scott, tell your little friend here to get his shit together k?
??: shut up, travis scott.
???: ,sHuT uP tRaViS sCoTt'
??: ay so you have-

[the olive skinned boy turned around to see you but next thing he saw, was u skating back home about 30 feet away from his car]

???: damn she took off fast
??: yeah whatever man
Cameron's POV
damn, people can be such assholes. but i am one too so who gives a shit.
end of POV

you get to your house and see your dad sitting on the stairs with a beer bottle in his hand. you automatically get scared and wait for him to speak
Y/D: you know, no one likes to wait. you know what sucks? going to look for your daughter, and she's gone, god knows doing what!!
Cameron: dad..
Cameron: ...

[you put your head down and start walking upstairs and that's when your head gets pushed down by a strong material]

[you look back and see your dad holding a big picture frame. the picture frame has a picture of you and your dad when you were younger. happy. you look up at your dad and see the anger in his eyes.]

Cameron: Goodnight, dad.

[you walk upstairs and look at yourself in the mirror. and break down.]

Cameron's Thoughts
why does he do this. what did i do for him to hate me and treat me like he does? ever since my mom died, he hasn't been the same. it hasnt been easy for me either but that doesn't give me an excuse to be like that. but he did lose the love of his life. i just wish, it can go back to how it was. when my mom was still alive and my dad loved me.
end of thoughts

you put on sweatpants and a hoodie and watch netflix all night since you didn't have school tmrw. you were awake at 4 am and put your leds on blue. u sit there with your hoodie up, curled up into a little ball and turned on some music. you were lonely. you didn't have anyone to talk to. your only friend was troy and now u can't see him as often. you slowly cried yourself to sleep thinking "what did i ever do wrong?".


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