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mattia: how long do you think we have been here?
cameron: about 30 minutes.

you both sigh and you lay on the cold floor.

cameron: thanks for pulling me away
mattia: um your welcome? why
Cameron: if you didn't pull me away i would've done serious damage.
mattia: well then your welcome. do you think they boys are gonna fine us in the next 30 minutes?
cameron: ha no. pass me some doritos.

he passes you a bag of doritos and you start eating them.

cameron: this light is so damn bright i stg.
mattia: want me to turn it off?
cameron: yeah

he stands up, turns off the light and when he tries to sit down he trips over your leg and falls. he catches himself hovering over you while your faces are inches apart. you started breathing heavily.

mattia: sorry
cameron: uh your fine.

he gets off of you and lays right beside you.

cameron: ima go to sleep to pass the time ight?
mattia: okay.

you close your eyes and drift off to sleep. you curled up into a little ball on the cold dirty floor.

minutes later mattia is staring into pure darkness thinking, cameron shifts her body and her head rests on his arms which are behind his head. she scoots closer to him as time goes by and mattia didn't bother to move.

time goes by and their still in there. at this point, cameron's is wrapped in mattias arms while she is kinda on top of him sleeping peacefully. he didn't know what got into him but he wrapped his arms around her waist and felt peaceful with her in his arms. he didn't know it but, she was what he was missing his whole life.

the two teenagers fell asleep in pure darkness in each other's arms not knowing their exact feelings for eachother but they didn't know that deep down, they were each others safe place.


cameron wakes you to the smell of a fresh cologne scent. she recognized it a bit but couldn't get her thoughts straight. then it hit her.


she felt a broad body with her hands and realized she was laying on top of him while they were in eachothers arms.

mattia: hey
cameron: um hi
mattia: i-is this weird?
cameron: i don't know tbh, your comfy.
mattia: can we stay like this? but like out of our comfortable ness?
cameron: sure.

you both laugh and stay in that position.

cameron: remember when you told me to bet get anywhere you and your friends?
mattia: yeah
Cameron: look at us now polibio

you both laugh

mattia: i guess your chill.
cameron: you guess? admit it you love me.
mattia: nah.

you giggle as mattia smiles.

cameron: were you already awake?
mattia: i woke up like 2 minutes before you.
Cameron: oh
mattia: those dumbfcks still haven't found us.
cameron: ughhh

you stretch and lay on mattias chest. his hands go up to your head and play with your hair.

"where could they be?"

you and mattia turn and look at eachother. even though your couldn't see eachother you felt the energy.

you both stand up and bang on the door


the boys come closer and closer then finally open the door. you and mattia run out with the closet.

Cameron: what took so long??
kairi: we looked for you guys everywhere and it never occurred to us to look the the downstairs lobby.
mattia: bruh
cameron: how long were we gone?
troy: about two hours and thirty minutes.
cameron: damn
ale: we were worried.
cameron: awe dimples was worriedddd

ale turned red and looked down.

troy: we should go to the pool
cameron: is it open?
troy: yeah
cameron: k let's go.

you guys all had fun in the pool and the sun set. it was amazing. you were all having fun and enjoying yourselves. after the sun set you all agreed to go to the rooms for the night. everyone said goodnight and you went to the room. you were bored and couldn't sleep.

little did you know mattia was bored too. and couldn't sleep.

knock knock knock.

cameron: come in.

mattia walks into the room as you were doodling on a piece of paper.

mattia: i'm bored and can't sleep
cameron: bro same.
mattia: i have an idea
cameron: what
mattia: we should go to the lake.
cameron: bro it has to be groups of 4 and it's past curfew.
mattia: then let's sneak out.

a smirk grew in your face as you grabbed a towel, swim suit, and your phone.

cameron: let's go.

you both laugh and sneak out the window of your room, you were on the second floor so it wasn't that bad. there was also a tree right next to the window so you can climb up when you come back.

you both start laughing as you guys sprinted to the lake.

cameron: yo. we did it.

a smile grew on mattias face.

cameron: ight ima out on my swim suit. turn around.
mattia: okay.

he turned around as you put on your swim suit.

cameron: okay done.

you get in slowly then mattia grabs your arm and yanks you in. you land right infront of him. as you go up you didn't realize but you were inches apart again.

mattia clears his throat and you both awkwardly back away.

cameron: your mean
mattia: it's bugged me watching you get in so slow.

you both laugh and swim in the lake peacefully. both of your under the pale moonlight and glistening stars. it was perfect.



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