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you park your car and walk out with yo ur coffee, backpack, and duffle bag. and lookin pretty badass while doin it too.

Teacher: finally mrs. hernandez u are here

you roll your eyes and take a sip of your coffee.

you hear footsteps funning towards you.
someone picks you up and twirls you around

Troy: you made it!
Cameron: of course i did loser

you both laugh and wait till the teacher is done calling role.

you put in your airpods and listen to music.

Teacher: okay everyone, single file line please. yes you will be able to sit wherever u want. you may get on now.

you all get on the bus and you sit next to troy almost at the very back.

Teacher: okay i will be taking roll one last time

she starts calling names and misses a few.

Teacher: okay the only ones that aren't here that did turn in their slip is Kairi Cosentino, Alejandro Rosario, and Mattia Polibio.


3 boys get on the bus.
it was them.

Ale: sorry we were late, last minute duties.

he turns and rolls his eyes at mattia.

Teacher: okay boys take a seat.
Kairi: where

she looks around and spots and empty row.





Teacher: ah, why won't you 3 share a seat and sit next to miss hernandez and mr zarba.

you scoff and roll your eyes.

Ale: okay

they all come towards you guys and u and mattia made straight eye contact the whole time.

they sit down and settle.

Ale: what are the odds.

you give him a sarcastic smile and turn to troy.

Cameron: this is gonna be a long trip.
Troy: don't worry, ima make this fun.

he pulls out a bag filled with snacks.

Cameron: doing gods work troy. you are doing gods work.

you both laugh and u pull out a bag of chips while listening to "435" by tyler the creator.

you turn and put your legs on Troys laps while he plays games on his phone.

you are vibing to music until someone taps your shoulder. you turn around.

Ale: can i have one.
Cameron: no

your turn again

he taps your shoulder again

Ale: please i'm hungry.
Cameron: me too, that's why i'm not giving you any
Ale: pleaseeee.

you roll your eyes and hand him the bag. he takes a few and gives them back.

Ale: are u excited.
Cameron: eh
Ale: nice outfit.
Cameron: don't push it dimples.
Ale: it's a compliment
Cameron: compliments make me uncomfy. so stop.
Ale: jeez, fine.

you turn back around facing troy while he is trying so hard no to laugh.

you lightly punch him and he turns and smiles at you.

you felt another tap.

Cameron: what
Ale: can i have a sip of your coffee. i'm thirsty from those chips.
Cameron: bruh
Ale: please

you hand him your coffee, he takes a sip and gives it back.

Cameron: what else do u need
Ale: nothing
Cameron: k

you turn around and see troy coving his face with his hoodie trying not to laugh

Cameron: you are annoying bro i swear
Troy: it's funny seeing u mad though. and annoyed.

you laugh and turn. you see mattia staring directly at you guys.

you smile fades and give him a death stare. he clenched his fist and turns around.

you smirk and go on your phone.

you yawn and rest your shoulder on troy.

Troy: u wanna fall asleep?
Cameron: yeah
Troy: here

he removed his backpack off of his lap and patted his lap motioning for u to lay down. you lay down and wrap yourself in troys hoodie. the one he left yesterday.

you close your eyes and doze off to sleep with troy playing with your curly baby hairs coming out of your bun.


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