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10 minutes before lunch


                                                        please answer.   
            why haven't u been texting me back?
                                       i'm getting worried hoe
                                  the boys are annoying asf
                                                     troy pls respond
delivered 11:32 AM

Cameron: ughhh

[u sink back into your chair staring at the whiteboard while the teacher explains the lesson. u stare at the blank board while thinking "what happened to troy". you look around at see mattia talking to a girl. the girl got all touchy aswell as him. it disgusted you.]

[u look around again and see Katie. it looked like you caught her eye aswell. you waved slightly at her with a small smile. she returned the wave but with a giant grin slapped across her face. she turns to look at her friend and says something. her friend turns to look at you a bit disgusted. she whispers something to Katie and her smile fades and she bushes her eye brows. she says something back and pulls up a chair next to you]

Katie: hey
Cameron: hey
Katie: what's up
Cameron: oh nothing, i'm bored
Katie: same, i'm tired of doing work
Cameron: ha, i haven't even done any
Katie: really?
Cameron: mhm
Katie: you can copy off mine later. want me to send it to you?

[that caught you off guard a bit because usually you ask to copy]

Cameron: uh, yeah sure that would be great
Katie: cool, what's your number
Cameron: it's uh, ____________
Katie: great, i'll send you a picture of the work later
Cameron: thanks
Katie: no problem, so u got your eye on anyone?
Cameron: oh, no.
Katie: didn't u kiss alejandro yesterday?
Cameron: oh, pshhhh. nahhhh. that was just to annoy mattia.

[Katie let out a sigh of relief and looked down and back at her friend]

Cameron: you like him huh?
Katie: oh- uh- n- y-yea-
Cameron: awe, cute.
Katie: really?
Cameron :i can totally see you guys together
Katie: really?
Cameron. yeah
Katie: so you have never found him attractive?
Cameron: i mean, yeah at first. but he is friends with mattia so that's an automatic no and plus, he's yours.
Katie: haha thanks, so why do you hate mattia so much? over a hoodie?
Cameron: oh no, i'm not that petty. he almost ran me over the other day, and spilled a drink all over my shirt, oh and he took me and my friend troys spot. it's where we go to smoke, skate, have deep talks.
Katie: oh that makes sense, and that sounds fun. i never really had a friend to open up to.
Cameron: same, troy is the deep talker. i just go along with it

[you both laugh and katie smiles]

Katie: well i guess we are very alike.
Cameron: i guess

Cameron's thoughts
bitch, i just said i don't open up to anyone. chill hoe. oh, that's mean. i guess she is nice.
end of thoughts

Katie: wanna sit with me and my friends at lunch??

[you look at her and shift your body to face her friends. you can tell they are snobby stuck up girls that talk shit behind everyone backs]

Cameron: uh, i rather not. Your friends don't really fall into my category of people.
Katie: haha, it's fine. they aren't the nicest.
Cameron: why do you hang out with them then?
Katie: i don't know... one of them has been my bestfriend since 3rd grade. she changed a lot but i still stick around. i feel like with out her, i'm no one.
Cameron: bruh, i could never. i am not very patient with people. and from what i have seen, you are a pretty chill person and really nice and pretty. i'm sure if you drop her, you would do just fine without her

[ a smile appeared on Katie's face]

Katie: thanks, Cameron.
Cameron: no problem..
Katie: would you wanna maybe come over today??

[you smiled really hard but confused at the same time. no one has ever asked you to come to their house except troy. you weren't used to it. you rolled solo. with troy by your side. you thought about it and right when you were about to say yes, you thought about your dad. he would never let you go. he would beat you if you did.]

Cameron: Katie... i would love to, but i can't. my dad wouldn't allow it.
Katie: oh, it's okay. Maybe another day?
Cameron: yeah, sure i'll see.

(don't fuckin judge me, that was supposed to be a bell ring)

[you and Katie collect your belongings and walk out to lunch together while talking.]

Cameron's thoughts
she not that bad. i could get used to her
end of thoughts

Katie: i guess i'll see you later
Cameron: yeah, bye.

[you went to dap her up and she hugged you. you stood there uncomfy bc you weren't used to it. she hugged you and pulled away and smiled. she walked away]

Cameron: what..the..fuck...

[you laughed to yourself and walked to get lunch. you weren't hungry but wanted an apple, so you got lunch and sat down at a table alone on your phone. you played lil uzi and sat there scrolling through insta. then you felt a presence next to you. you turned around and saw... him.]

Cameron: what do you want polibio.
Mattia: why you got shades on? 

[you saw past mattias shoulder and saw kairi. he knew what you were thinking and he shook his head signaling no]

Cameron: why can't i?
Mattia: it's weird
Cameron: i'm weird in general, now get the hell out of my face.

[he seemed a bit shook and looked back at you]

Mattia: so what if we get out of here, and go to the bathroom? maybe i can show you somethin.

[he slides his hand on your thigh and you shove it off]

Cameron: ew no
Mattia: cmon mamas, you know you want this.
Cameron: what i want is your bitchass to leave me alone.

[mattia looked down puzzled]

Mattias POV
huh? every girl wants me. why doesn't  she? she's the first girl that ever shot me down and treats me like shit.
end of POV

Cameron: can you leave?

[mattia looks down at your phone and sees you with your airpods in]

Mattia: what you listening to?

[you nod your head towards tour phone signaling him to look]

Mattia: XO TOUR Llif3? you listen to uzi?
Cameron: yeah..
Mattia: cool

(i rep uzi in every book alright 😤😤 PERIOD.)

Cameron: yeah, can u go?
Mattia: can i have your sandwich

[you nod your head and he takes it and takes a giant bite out of it]

Cameron: you eat like a pig
Mattia: shut up hoe
Cameron: bruh, if you don't wanna hear my bullshit, leave.

[you point at his table with all his friends looking at you both]

Mattia: fine

[he gets up and sits down at his table]


roshaun: how did it go?
Mattia: she rude
Kairi: and..
Mattia: she listens to uzi
Ale: she's a keeper
Mattia: i tried to get her to go to the bathrooms with me but she was disgusted
Alvaro: she ain't one of your hoes bro
Mattia: i'm gonna be honest, she fine as hell.
Kairi: she's not interested tho
Matti: that's what i don't get, every girl wants me.
Robert: guess not everyone..

[everyone laughs accept mattia]

Mattia: she let me have her sandwich
Ale: bruh, you had yours already
Mattia: a dude gets hungry...

[they all laugh and talk about who knows what]

he is so damn annoying..


𝚛𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚛𝚌𝚘𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛 | 𝗺𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐚 𝐩𝗼𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐢𝗼 Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon