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mattia: welcome to my home

he said as he opened the front door. you walked in and looked around. it was pretty big.

oh and the house was big too.


you went in and stood in the living room

mattia: hold up ima get food, go ahead and sit down

you nodded and look at the walls.

they were covered in pictures

some baby photos of mattia.

others of him and his brother

him at his games

him with his mom

him with his dad.

his whole family together

one of him holding a soccer trophy and his mom hugging him while his dad has his arm on his shoulder and his little brother by his side looking proud of his big brother.

you saw that picture and it filled you with jealousy and anger. but it also made you sad. and happy too.

all these emotions ran threw your body at the glance of the picture.

you got closer to the picture and ran your fingers through the picture frame.

that picture made you a bit soft.

"i want that" is what you thought.

everyone in the picture looked so happy.

his dad looked so proud of him. you can tell he loved him with all his heart

his brother looked like he looked up to him a lot. like his role model.

his mom.. his mom looked like the happiest mom ever.

happy that his son won his game.

happy that his son is the person he is today

his mom looked like her two sons was the source of her happiness.

his mom looked proud.

"i want that"

you looked at the other pictures

"i want that"

you looked at his mom and him hugging

"i want that"

one of his arms wrapped around his dad and his dad did the same

"i want that"

one of them at a family picnic enjoying each others company

... "i want that"

your thoughts were interrupted when mattia slammed the door open with bowls of chips and popcorn in his hand.

you were startled and jumped.

Mattia: did i scare you?
Cameron: w-what? no.
Mattia: mhm

you roll your eyes and sit down.

Cameron: so what the fck are we gonna do huh?
Mattia: idk, talk, chill, watch tv...
Cameron: ugh

you take out your phone and he takes it out of your hands.

Mattia: no phones
Cameron: huh
Mattia: im not gonna use my phone either
Cameron: what? why?
Mattia: to get to know eachother.
Cameron: bro we hate eachother remember
Mattia: i dont hate you, i'm just confused. i'm tryna figure you out. you are an asshole towards me.
Cameron. i don't see anything bad about that?
Mattia: every girl want me.. but you dont. and it is literally driving me crazy.
Cameron: oh so i'm on your mind a lot huh?

Mattia seemed shocked

mattia: w-what? huh? no
Cameron: mhm
Mattia: okay whatever but why?
Cameron: number 1 i'm an asshole to everyone, number two i hate everyone one, number 3 guys ain't shit, number 4 i don't give a single shit about anyone except myself, and number 5 you are a huge player so neva dat
Mattia: who said i was a player?
Cameron: how many girls have you fcked in the last 3 days?
Mattia: uh 5
Cameron: exactly
Mattia: i dont do dating. i just want pssy
Cameron: you horny fuck
Mattia: there is nothing wrong with that. you just needa get laid
Cameron: hell nah-

Mattias mom: MATTIA HELP ME WITH THE BAGS- ohhhh a girl?? hi mija

you stand up to greet her

Cameron; hi i'm cameron, nice to meet you
Mattias Mom: nice to meet you two!! are you mattias girlfriend?
Cameron: w-what?? HAHAH no.
Mattia Mom: friend??
Cameron: uh n-
Mattia: yes. yes mom she is
Mattias mom: you are gorgeous!!
Cameron: aw thank you so much.
Mattias mom: of course, mattia come help me with the grocery bags.
Cameron: oh i will help
Mattias mom: oh mija no tienes que acer esooo

(aw sweetie you don't have to do thattt)

Cameron: de verdad. yo insisto. odio a no ayudar otros.

(for real. i insist. i hate not helping people)

Mattia: what the f-
Mattias mom: ay que linda eres. está bien, gracias.

(awe you are so sweet, very well. thank you)

Cameron: de nada, y gracias. orita vengo, voy a agarrar las bolsas.

(of course, and thank you. i'll be right back, i'm going to get the bags)

mattia mom smiles as you go to the car and get the bags

Mattias mom: she is so nice mijo!!
Mattia: not to me
Mattias mom: well you can be a bit-
Mattia: okay okay mom i get it.
Mattias mom: pero de verdad, es u a niña muy bonita y es cariñosa.
(but actually, she is a very nice and kind girl)
Mattia: i don't think so mama, she isn't interested.
Mattias mom: pos es mejor que las prostitutas que traes cada noche. están feas y son pendejas y rudas.

(well it's better than the whores you bring home every night. they are ugly, stupid, and rude)

Mattia: ya mamá, no me interesa esa niña, me odia también. nunca los vamos a juntar. somos de dos different es mundos.

(enough mom, i'm not interested in her, she hates me too. we are never going to be together. we are from two different worlds)

Mattias mom: entonces porque está aqui?

(then why is she here)

mattia: la envite

(i invited her)

Mattias mom: entonces si no te interesa por que la envitastes? no creo que la envitaras si no estas interésado en ella! algo de ella te attracta y yo le sé. nomas estas muy burro para ver lo

( then why did you invite her? i don't think you would invite her if your weren't interested. something about her attracts you and i know it. you are just too stupid to see it)

Cameron: okay i'm back

Mattia: great
Mattias mom: thank you so much mija eres muy amable.

(thank you so much sweetie, you are so sweet)

Cameron: haha thank you

mattias mom: well i will leave you two alone, tell me if you guys get hungry.

Cameron: thank you


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