The Ocean.

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Ernest POV

My hands were trembling as I read the note that seemed to be written by her.Tears trailed down onto the note as I read every single word.My mind was dazed but also could I have never seen any sign that she liked me instead I thought of her having aversion towards me.

I wiped the tears and did the only thing I knew that was right....go find her.

( playing: Get you the moon by Kina)

you gave me shoulders when I needed it
you should me love when I wasn't feeling it
you helped me fight when I was giving in
and you make me laugh when I was losing it

'cause you are,you are
The reason why I'm still holding on
'Cause you are,you are
The reason why my head is still above water
And if i could I'd get you the moon
And give it to you
And if death was coming for you
I'd give my life for you

'Cause you are,you are
The reason why I'm still holding on
Cause you are,you are
The reason why my head is still above water
And if I could I'd get you the moon
Give it to you
And if death was coming for you
I'd give my life for you

Cause you are,you are
Oh you are,
Oh you are
You are'

The drive was not hasty and the music was not clamorous but the song really got me crying looking at the situation I was in.I knew where I'd find her and within 1 hour I was at the spot.I packed my car and made my way through the beautiful verdant forest.And there she was sitting on top of a love shaped white rock viewing the ocean....stunningly beautiful as always. I made my way to her and sat beside her not dismissing my eyes off the ocean.

I turned and admired her suave lighting skin with her green big gorgeous eyes.She didn't flinch or remove her eyes away from the ocean. I turned again then said what I had to say....

"You know growing up was kinda tough and shitty for me.With my mother taken away from me and seeing my dad day by day losing it,getting crazy inlove with sleeping out every night not giving a damn about how I was doing.Women getting in and out of our house every weekend and he introduced me to each and every one of them....he didn't even care how that made me feel." now I was getting fed up by thinking about the bad old days.And then she turned and said to me...

"you dont have to say or tell me anything you know "....her voice was so low and desirable. I turned and was met by those eyes.
"What if I want to princess?.Truth is I want to make everything right and I gotta start from the beginning you know..." she gave me a small smile and a nod then turned to face the ocean again.

"So.....".......I took a deep breath before talking....

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