"I like the way you taste."

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Ernest's POV

The day in the office went by so fast and straight after work Isabella went home and I went to meet with Travis at a bar.

"So you're telling me that she literally fucked them up?" Travis asked still laughing.

"Its not funny." I said as I sipped my drink.

We were having vodka.

"To help with being funny, it's crazy.Your girlfriend is fucked up crazy dude."

"Tell me something new man."

"Imagine what would happen if you cheated on her !"

"I wish not to." I said honestly

"Well you also cant ignore the fact that you're a guy and you can get tempted sometimes." He said his eyes fully focused on me.

"I know.Just that she's special to me and I dont see myself hurting her in anyway. "

"She's clearly special this one bros.She's nothing compared to all your crazy exes." He said drinking his drink.

"Well that deserves a toast " I said laughing and we made a toast.

"Speaking of exes...do you ever think of um.." I hesitated for a while.."who?" He asked

"Rosalia." I said and his face changed.

He gulped all his drink and ordered another one.

"I want nothing to do with that bitch." He hissed" I dont even wanna see her.Ever again."

I felt sorry and guilty "I didn't mean to upset you, I just thought.." I got cut off by his angry voice...

"Well unfortunately you did upset me.Because you never think in the very fucken first place." He shouted making everyone in the bar turn to look at him.

"As a matter of fact fuck Rosalia and Fuck you.Im out of here.." he spit and walked out.

I felt like a fool for  bringing up Rosalia to our convo.I just thought he let the past be the past but clearly the wounds were still fresh.

I decided to call it a night and went home.On my way back I got a call from my father.


'Hey son how's is going?"

'Well it's all good this side, your side?'

'Well Miami is so beautiful son,and your mother is enjoying her self. '

'She really is my mother hey'

'She's so special to me son.'

'I know father and i know that you love her as much as i love her daughter. '

'Well that's pretty much beautiful and bizarre'

'It is.' We both laughed

'So how's the company going?Is Florence giving you guys a hard time?' He asked

'Father,Florence is such a darling.She really loves Isabella you know.And nothing makes me happier than seeing my beautiful princess being happy.'

'That's good son.Heard Seth came to see you yesterday.'

'How the fuck did you that?'

'The very fucken way I knew that you were screwing my wife-to-be's daughter,your own step-sister.'

'That's a bit shitful father.'

'Well fuck that.'

'Language father. '

'Screw it.Anyways I just wanted to check up on you,you know.'

'C'mon father you can do better than that.' I knew that he was lying, he only calls me to tell me that he......

'Aghh alright you got me.I miss you son.'

'That's so adorable Patrick. '

'You should've been gay .'

'I wonder how that would've made you feel you know.Written on billboards,front newspages,magazine covers in bold that PATRICK SMITH'S ONLY SON IS NOT STRAIGHT MEANING HE'S GAY.' I teased

'I would've killed you long time ago junior Smith.'

'Already pops I just arrived home now thanks for the call.' I said getting out if the garage.

'You were out this late?'

'Its like..' I checked my Rolex '7:45 old man ' I said as I made my way upstairs and opened my bedroom door. Isabella was sitting in bed reading a novel:SHAKESPEARE'S.

'Well that's pretty damn late to a guy who's coming home to his girlfriend ..' he said

'Tell him daddy. ' Isabella got in the convo.

'Never do that again or else you're just gonna have to deal with me.' Patrick warned.

'Right,right.Goodnight and greet mother for me.'I said with a smirk on my face as I looked at Isabella.

'Goodnight kids.' He hang up.

I made my way to sit next to Isabella while taking off my blazer and shirt.

"He's not your daddy. " I said rolling my eyes as I sat on the bed.

"She's not your mother. " she fought back.

"Touchè" I said with a smirk as I leaned towards her and kissed her.

"Missed me?" She said between the kiss

"Too fucken much " with that I rapidly got on top of her and layed her down while kissing her .

"I like the way you taste.." she said breaking the kiss and starring into my eyes.

"How do I taste?" I jokefully asked as I traced my fingers along  her cheek.

"Vodka." She said and pulled me into a kiss.

"Had a few drinks with Travis at the bar." I said

"Ohh..." she  said in a soft voice

"Yeah we were having fun drinking and talking but all of the sudden I messed it all up and-.." Her lips cut me off.

"Fuck the chit-chat and just fuck me please.." she said whining

"You are really something else.I mean what if I was about to tell you that I couldn't died or something.." I said and she just rolled her eyes.

"But you did not right?.Now stop talking and fuck me geez." She yelled but in a sexy voice.

"You got it princess. "

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