Travis's POV

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Travis's POV

I let out a deep sigh as I collapse back on the clinic couch.My feet tapped incessantly against the tiled floor.

Since all the way to the clinic,Keyshia has been freaking out about the thought of her being pregnant.

I loved her so much that I wasn't ready for a baby to all we had going on because some hard choices were going to be meticulously be made.

Ofcourse i wanted children but not at that time,stage and definitely that way.Maybe five years later or something yeah,when I'd be so stable and very settled to have a family not that I didn't wanna start a family with her at that time or something but a wrong timing is just a wrong timing.

Although our bestfriends were clearly far on everything, businesses, money,power,statuses, relationship and all that,we were just not at that particular point, yet.

I've waited for quite a long time and so boredom crept over me.I grabbed a magazine and tried going through it but it wasn't really working.

"Fuck" I tossed it aside running my hands through my hair.

What if she was really pregnant?I mean that means a huge responsibility to take care of and all that.I wasn't ready, she wasn't ready!

I leapt off the couch as I heard the office door open and Keyshia got out smiling softly.

I rose my brows curiously as I rushed to her.

"And?" I asked

"I'm not pregnant!We not pregnant!!" She exclaimed cheerfully,as she jumped into my arms.

"I fucken kinda told you." I said close to her ear as we hugged.

"I was just nervous baby."

"I know angel ."

"We not fucken pregnant!!" She said one more time smiling ecstatically as we pulled away.

"Kinda sad we not." I jokingly shrugged wanting to see her expression.

"Really?" She asked with a sweet angelic smile.

"Yes really, angel." I smiled back.

"Well next time deliberately cum inside me."

"You really giving me the opportunity to?" I asked as we intertwined our hands and walked out of the clinic door.

"You damn right I am." She winked as she hopped into the passenger seat and me in the driver's seat.

I was driving my black jeep.

"And here I was thinking of not having sex with you ever again." I said,driving out of the basement parking lot.

She gasped mockingly, " oh no!What would my precious sexy cooch be without the sexy big cock of the handsome asshole?That's very sad."

She rambled sarcastically,"Well anyways we both know you'll be begging for it in like what-" she stopped and pretended to think,"two minutes."
She snorted.

I laughed as my  eyes focused on the road.She was just so adorably funny and cute and vibey and all the good shit.

"That's your sweven  miss. Sanders."

She slapped my shoulder," I'm not fucken dreaming you douchebag." I looked at her as she rolled her eyes.

"Yeah whatever."

"Babe?" Her voice all the sudden became soft,sweet and serious, so was her face.

"Yes angel?" I took a  quick glance at her.

"Why do you call by your surname?"

I laughed lightly without opening my mouth ...

"Would like if I say I didn't sense that coming angel." I said moving my eyes back at the road.

"Well?" She raised her shoulders.

"You don't know why?" I asked staring at her.She shook her head gently.

"How disappointing of you,miss.sanders" I teased moving my eyes away from hers.

"Just fucken tell me Trav!!" She said,sounding a bit impatient.

"Well its because you are." I said simply.

"I'm what again?" She pretended to not know what I meant.

"Mi-sssss...." I dragged my words just to annoy her


"You forcing it angel,calm down and be patient."

"Just     tell      me      please babe." She begged,whinely.

"Miss spongebob." I joked.

I bursted out laughing as I glanced at the look on her face.

"What the fuck is wrong with you dickhead.Aghhh!!" She groaned angrily as she slammed the back of  her head on the seat,eyes closed with open gritted teeth.

Keyshia's POV

"So where we going now?" I asked not looking at him

"Well I'm taking you home  angel." He replied not looking at me.

I swiftly turned to examine him carefully,"What?Are you fucken kidding me right now?"

"What did I do?" He shrugged and pouted innocently,glancing at me.

"Oh dont give me that B.S of an act." I snorted rolling my eyes.

"I still dont get why you mad.Someone could bet the tests are counterfeit because you got the pregnant zany typa hormones going one angel."

"But Travy .." I childishly whined,blinking my eyes as I pouted." We gotta celebrate."

"Celebrate what exactly my angel ? Oh ,hey your body has undergone no charges whatsoever and you were freaken yelling at me like this was all about you?"

"I'm sorry my Travy ,lets just go cuddle,have beers,watch a movie or something." I encouraged. " Keytravy please?"

Well instead of saying "pinkie promise" ,we took our short nicknames and combined them.

He just tightened his grip on the steering wheel as he swerved around a sharp corner.Eventually halting in front of a black huge gate.

great just great.

"Go celebrate with pregnant mamacita, ill see you later. " he got out and came to my side to open the door for me.

"I hate you." I growled as I grabbed bag and phone and got out.

"We both know that ain't true my angel" he laughed lightly as he went back to hop into the car.

"Yeah well fuck you." I shoved my two middle fingers in front.

"Will give you some later angel."

He smirked and within a minute, the jeep was somewhere about to disappear.

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