Against the rules.

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Isabella's POV

Next morning, I woke up feeling like going to work and I never fought with my feeling.

So I woke up took a long shower and got ready for work.

Even though I knew some people were gonna get all bitchy and dicky on me,I just needed to get out of the friggin house.

I dressed up in my wine pencil skirt,cream blouse and finished off with wine heels.I tight my hair up into a cute ponytail.

Staring at my reflection in the mirror, I placed my hand on my stomach and smiled to myself at the thought of a life that was growing inside me.

I got downstairs and I was welcomed by silence. No Kayla, no anyone.

I looked at my watch and it was 8:02.

"Shit" I cursed as I quickly made my way out.

Walking out,I found mr hunk waiting for me in a black suit.

I locked the door and walked up to him.

"And what are you doing here?".

"I was just waiting outside ma'am." He said with a stoic face.

"Waiting-waiting for who?" I asked,dazed.

"Mr.Smith told me to wait outside in case you needed to go somewhere ma'am."

"How thoughtful of him.Do you that I'm so grown enough to guard myself?" I dramatically folded my arms while looking at him.

"I do know ma'am." He said and turned to open the door for me.

I glared at him,shook my head then got into the car.

"Good morning,my lady." A cheery looking honest greeted me from the driver's seat.

"Good morning my lord."I send him a warm smile

"Well I must say you look beautiful." He complemented

"Well thank you."I giggled. "You know you can actually say straight that I look pretty much hot."

"Well you look very smokey." He said and we both laughed.

"I like your mood you know," I told him "You are very piquant. I like it."I finished with a smile.

"Had a good night?" Honest asked me

"A placid one." I told him" How about you?"

"I did too." He nodded.

"What about you Nathan?How was your night?" I asked referring to the stoic faced man that sat in the passenger seat.

"It was good ma'am." He replied in a monotone voice.

"Where to my lady?"

"My company please."

"Are you sure that sir wi-"

"Honest please.Just take me to my company."

"Okay then" he gave me a small smile.

"Good." I breathed out as I leaned on the window, staring outside.

"Shall we?" Honest asked  and I nodded.

He pulled off and we made our way to my work.

After some few minutes,we arrived at my company and I could touch the handle to open the door, Nathan was already by my side.

"Have a good day my fine lady." Honest waved.

"Bye." I called out to him.

"Enjoy your day ma'am." Nathan said with a tilted head.

I muttered a thank you and walked in the building.

Ernest told me that Florence was away on her leave to be with her husband and baby and also she had a family emergency to take care off.

After 1 hour

I was finishing up a file when knock interrupted me.I looked up  and it was Rendy.

"Can I come in?" She asked and I nodded

"So how is being pregnant and what are you doing here?"

"Well for your own information I'm barely pregnant cause I'm still the same Bella." I said rolling my eyes.

"And here I was thinking you couldn't even scratch your head." She joked and we laughed.

"Well you ain't the one weening all that bullshit and honestly speaking,I'm getting tired cause I can't even take a step without getting a complaint."

"Well is not just a somebody whose getting married but a whole Smith princess."

"Yeah whatever, and the husband doesn't know my ass here." I said laughing but ofcourse earning a shocked look from the brunette.

"What?" I shrugged my shoulders

"He doesn't fucken know?"

"Yeah why?" I said like it was nothing.

"Damn you got some nerve to break his rule?"

"What can I say sweetie, I'm very audacious." I said pretty much feeling myself.

"I wish I was like you that time." She said with a sarcastic laugh.

"What do you mean?" I asked a bit perplexed by her statement.

"What-no,no I meant nothing" She swiftly blurted out

"Are you sure?" I raised an eyebrow suspiciously at her.

"Hundred percent." She gave a snide grin." Yeah-um,I'm just gonna go sort out some files and I will see you" she said quickly and with a blink of an eye,she was gone.

"Ok-ayyyyy" I said to myself, confused.

What did she mean about that?hmm.

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