Done Deal.

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Ernest's POV

We got off the car and quickly made our way to the conference room.

We waited for ten minutes and he came.

"Good day,Mr.Antos." I greeted the old man who just entered the room.

"Ah,good day to you too junior Smith. Good to see you again. And who is this fine lady?"

"I'm Isabella Knowles, Mr Smith's assistant." Isabella said while accepting his hand which was stretched for her to shake.The meeting started.


"I like your deal,Mr.Smith." Mr.Antos said after what felt like hours.He handed me a file to sign and I signed the papers arranged in that file.

We finalized the deal.

"I hope to see you soon Mr.Antos" I said shaking his hand with a pleasant smile.

"I hope so too." Mr.Antos said before giving me a nod and heading out.

"Yessssss!!!!" I said giving Ernest a hug which he made fun out if it and spinned us around.

"We did it baby." He said before smashing his lips against mine.

"Let's go celebrate..." I said and we walked out of the building.


"Its a Done deal baby." Isabella shouted as the two of us made a toast.

We got home and decided to pop some champagne in the kitchen before heading to bed.

"We did it..." I said in excitement

"Wait what happened..?" Rosalia asked entering the kitchen.

"Nothing. " I sputtered rolling my eyes.

"Ernest!" Isabella warned and I muttered a sorry.

"We got the deal with the man I was telling you about." Isabella said happily

"Congratulations you guys." Rosalia said hugging Isabella.

"Yeah right." I said taking a sip of my drink.

"Imma go upstairs and give TRAVIS a call." I emphasized on the name looking at Rosalia and her face suddenly changed as she looked away ...

I walked upstairs,got in my room and slammed the door behind me.

"Fuckkk." I screamed as I ran my hands on my hair.

"Ernest open the fucken door." I heard Isabella shouting

"Its fucken unlocked!!" I shouted back sitting down on the corner of the bed.

"I want you to come fucken open it." She argued.

I rolled my eyes and made my way to open it.

"Are you fucken kidding me?" She yelled making her way in the room.

"What the fuck did I do now?" I asked throwing my hands up in the air.

"Why cant you just be fucken civilized towards our guest rather than being so fucken robust!" She asked hollered.

"First of all she ain't my fucken guest, she's yours and why the fuck do you care how I behave around her?" I spit sitting back down on the bed.

"What's wrong with you?If she's my guest it means she's your fucken guest nigga!" She spit back

"I dont want her here!!!" I yelled standing up "I just cant fucken bare having her here.Okayyy!"

"Why,why cant you?What's going on Ernest?" She asked

"Nithing is going on." I said looking away..

"What are you hiding from me?" She asked causing me to turn to her.

"I'm not hiding anything Isabella." I said looking at her.

"Then grow the fuck up and change your attitude.Its fucken annoying me." She lashed and walked out slamming the door behind her.

"Dammit!!" I yelled and punched the wall.

"Fuck." I yelled in pain as I saw blood falling trailing all over my fingers.

I hated fighting with Isabella. It was our first fight since we started dating and what bored me the most was the fact that we were fighting because of a middle ass bitch.I didn't want her to stay with us.

The couple of weeks that has passed,Travis and I found a way to sit down and fix things again. Now if he's going to find out that Rosalia is in town, staying with us!!He's just gonna lose it.

"Wooohh..." I sighed and ran myself a bath.

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