something cute and sweet.

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Isabella's POV.

I wanted to purchase a house immediately but Keyshia thought it was a waste of money,so she offered me to stay with her till I feel okay to be alone.

Only a few days has passed still living  with Keyshia but I felt so miserable.It was so hard to believe that I really left Ernest.

For the past few days,I didn't get out of bed. No matter how Keyshia  tried,it was impossible. I missed my hubby.

His touch, smirk,smile,eyes,nose,mouth, body and his love.

I missed us.

Thinking about him made a few stray of tears escape my sore red eyes. Keyshia entered the room and sat down on the edge of my bed.

"Girl you gotta stop hiding in here and go out to get some air." She said,running her fingers through my hair.

"His lies,secrets and words hurt me so fucken much Key. " I sobbed.

"I know, I know B." Leaning down,she kissed my forehead softly.

"Im pretty sure he didn't mean to hurt you.Just dont think too much about it and forget about him for now." She said.  "For your own sake." She whispered.

"I jus-i just cant help but miss him.I really loved him.I-i cant help it,Keyshia,I love the nigga so fucken much." I blubbered pathetically.

"Ohh Bella.. .." She whined sympathetically.
"He loves you too girl.You just need to-"

She wanted to say more, but the ringing of the bell interrupted her.I narrowed my eyebrows at her, wondering who it was and she shrugged. She groaned, getting up.

" I'll be right back." She said giving me a small smile.

" Girl your ass forgot something." I said as she was about to go out.

"You're such a child." Matching her way back to the bed,she leaned down.

"Mhhhh..." I moaned throughout the kiss.

"Gotta go check who the fuck wants me." She said pulling away.

"Just come back already." I whined as she blew me a kiss and went out.

I could help but wonder, wasn't I enough to him?Why did he lie that way?Did he really murder the girl?Damn!Either ways, I was still inlove with my hubby.The ocean eyes guy.

"Is princess here?"  I felt the painfully familiar voice ask,my breath instantly hitching my throat.

It was him,Ernest!

"What the fuck are you doing here Ernest?" Keyshia's uninterested tone in her voice asked.

"Dont talk to me like that Keyshia."

" I'll talk to you how the fuck I want,you feel me?You're not my boyfriend so you dont get to tell me how to fucken talk. Only  Travis can." Keyshia's tone wasn't pleasant at all.

"Look,Keyshia, I totally get the fact that you angry and shit but-"

"No you dont!" Keyshia cut him off."You fucked, really fucked up dude." She snapped.

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