Helping a sister out.

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Isabella POV.

I was proud of myself on how I had handled the deal with Mr.Chang yesterday. It was Saturday meaning a day off for me and my hubby.

Rosalia was out,working and Ernest had gone to see Travis. It was sad for him to leave but at least i had my bestfriend coming over,Keyshia.

We ordered pizza and watched a movie called: The middle forest.

After eating we started cleaning up.

"So....are you gonna fucken text him?" I asked suddenly as we finished up with all the cleaning.

"I really don't know,B.Maybe tomorrow?" She said more like asked wiping her hands.

I was talking about Travis.Him and Keyshia have been going up and down fucking each other and not really committing to anything serious. Well Keyshia felt like the fun should be put aside and both must have a real thing.She really liked Travis but she wasn't sure that the nigga liked him back. She was afraid to jeopardize what they had by telling him her own peace of mind. How she felt,what she really wished for.

"Why the fuck tomorrow?Text him now Key. "

"No way. I dont wanna seem too naggy or shit."

She went outside with the trash to throw them in the front dustbin.I looked over on the couch and I saw her phone.

I quickly lunged her phone and unlocked it.Just as I was still busy with it,she came back.

"Dont you dare, Bella!" She yelled running to where I was standing.

"No I will dare.You need to fucken talk to the nigga." I yelled back running to the other side of the couch so she wouldn't catch me.

"No I don't!!" She caught me and we fell on the couch.

The phone fell a bit far away on the couch and we both looked at it.

I tried reaching for it with my hand but she grabbed my ankle trying to stop me.She tried grabbing it but I pulled back her arm and snatched it.

After succeeding,I ran with it up the stairs.

After a few minutes I was done with my devilish plan.😈

A notification saying that the message was delivered came through.

"Yes!yes!Its done motherfucker!!!" I yelled jumping up and down on the stairs.

Keyshia made her way to where I was standing slowly. She stared up at me for a moment. "You did just not text the nigga!!"

"Yes I fucken did.And you're welcome." I said making my way downstairs and stuffed her phone inside her cleavage then spanked her ass as I walked off.

"Isabella Sarah Knowles!!!!!!!!!"  She yelled but I never turned around or reply her.

Keyshia entered the kitchen and she found me leaning against the counter looking down at my phone.

She came beside me and leaned against the counter too.

I looked up from my phone and stared at her.I sent her a sheepish smile.."You ain't mad at me right?"

I asked giving her the most irresistible look 'puppy eyes '😚.

"You know no matter how mad you can get me to be,It would never be for a long time.You must thank God I dearly love your ass." She said with a small smile.

"I know that. It just that I really hate seeing you like this,Key.You can get any guy you want,whenever you want but you're stuck because there's only one stupid dick of a nigga you want.So as your friend I have to do something to make sure that you get what you want. Besides that's what Best Friends are for right?.Look after each other's assess,take care of each other,be there for each other, love each other but most importantly make sure to make each other happy." I said with a warm loving voice and ended up with a smile.

"I know Bella.And I really appreciate that so much.But I just don't wanna get hurt after finding out that  he doesn't feel anything for me or even ain't close to making  me his girlfriend." She said in a sad tone.

"I get that baby.But one thing you must know is that,I won't let no stupid ass nigga hurt you okay?I will turn into that evil motherfucker for you at anytime." I said and she laughed softly.

"When did your ass get so smart?" She asked me."I mean I thought my ass was the smartest and yours was the arrogant one." She jokely said.

"Nah-uh...I've always been smart,just that I hide it pretty well. " I smirked.

"Whatever." she playfully rolled her eyes.

I was about to say something when her ringtone in the living room interrupted me.

We both looked at each other wide eyed silently asking if that was Travis or what.We both ran to get it.I couldn't let her get it first because:

1- She was going to just stare at it till Travis hang up.

2- She was going to say something I didn't want her to say


3- decline it.

So I did the only thing that came into my mind. I pushed her...hard and she fell onto the couch. She somehow managed to grab the phone first before I did.

She looked at the caller ID and from looking right into her eyes, it was Travis.

She sat down properly and got ready to answer.

"If you fuck up,I'll kill you." I threatened pointing out a finger at her.

She just rolled her eyes and breathed in and out.

"As a matter of fact put it on speaker." I whispered just before Travis said anything.

She did and finally answered. " Hello."

"Ayo,Key.Wassup." Travis asked through the phone.

"I'm cool,you?" She asked.

"I'm fresh.I got your text." He said.

"Oh yo-you did...???" Her voice trembled

"Duh!Anyways I called you to tell you that I'm picking you up tomorrow at 8am sharp, ayt."

He said,well more like commanded.

"What?no I got plans tomorrow...I-i can.t." she lied but I couldn't just let her get away with it.

"She lying, T.Ofcourse she's gonna be ready. " I yelled so that Travis could hear me.

"Thank you Mamacita. I'll see ya tomorrow angel.And also dress comfortable." He said and hanged up.

"He called your ass angel!!!" I screamed in excitement.

"He did,didn't he?" She asked and I nodded smiling.

"Cant wait for tomorrow Bella. "

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