fuck mode activated.

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Isabella's POV.


Surprised, I stood up.

"Happy birthday Bella."  He said giving a tight hug.

"Thank you." I told him as soon as we pulled away.

"So so sorry I'm late." He said giving me a sad look

"Ohh no its fine Seth. You're here now so I'm glad." I responded giving his shoulder a soft squeeze

"Hey handsome. " Rebecca said smiling up at Seth.

"Mrs.Smith."  he nodded at her with a smile.

"Its so lovely to see you again my dear." She told him.

"Why are you late?" Patrick asked, seriously.

"Sorry uncle P, I got caught up somewhere." He apologized.

"Well you should've not allowed your dick to be stuck somewhere in times of an important special day." Patrick said angrily.

"Ohh excuse you Mr.Your ass ain't innocent also." Rebecca snapped at her husband.

"Thought we moved past that already.Shit ain't fair."

We all laughed.

"So I'm not actually here alone ..." Seth said, grabbing all of us's attention.

"What do you mean?" I asked once we both sat down.

"I mean that there's someone here with me." He replied, pouring himself a drink.

"Could that someone be your cousin perhaps?" Rebecca asked leaning back on her chair.

"Conceivably." He quaffed his drink.

"I'm about to throw up." I disgustingly muttered, sipping my wine.

"Dont be like that sweetheart." Rebecca said, softly

"Like what,suddenly having an intense dislike within me for some piece of bastard?" I scoffed.

"B, let's just find out what he has to say ayt?" Keyshia tried calming me down.

"Fine!!" I said.

Before Keyshia had time to answer, the restaurant door slid open. All of us looked as the Almighty Hubby entered.

His blonde hair curled in a sexy way,he wore black skinny jeans, a black polo shirt and his skin was perfectly sun kissed.

"Well,well,well..." Patrick said  as Ernest  approached the table. " Who is it if it ain't my asshole bastard of a son."

"Dad please, not today." Ernest said in his husky voice.

Ohh how I've missed the whispering of that husky voice in my ear that made my stomach grow goosebumps,my mind cease from everything besides its sound, my heart beat rapidly, run shivers all over my body,made my knees to become weak.The voice that in few seconds, made me wet.

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