One positive test.

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I sat in the far corner of the room watching her as she laid unconsciously on the bed.I couldn't figure out what was wrong, the doctors were running up and down doing several tests.I took her to the best Private hospital but it seemed like I fucken chose the wrong one since nobody knew what was wrong with my wife,my fucken wife!!.

"Er-nest" she slurred.

"Hey princess,you awake." A smile began forming on my face as I quickly made my way to the bed.

"I feel so giddy hubby. " She whispered,eyes slightly opened.

"You are going to just be fine princess. I promi-"

A female nurse entered the room and told me to wait outside since they needed to run another damn test!.

"Are you fucken kidding me right now?I cant just leave her al-" Isabella's weak voice interrupted me as she reached out and grabbed my hand.

"Go wait ou-tside." She weakly told me.

"Princess..." I said softly looking down at her with a weak faint look.

"Please...." she whispered before shutting her eyes.

20 minutes later

What was wrong with her?

What was happening?

"Oh my gosh,sweetheart?" I heard Isabella's mother as I broke down running to her.

"I dont know what the fuck is wrong with her mother.One minute we were at my restaurant getting something to eat a-nd,and the next she seemed scatterbrained for a moment,then seemed giddy then the next thing I know she collapsed and-...."   I ran out of breath.

"Shshhhhh.." Rebecca gently patted my back as I sobbed in her arms." Its okay sweetheart, all will be fine...she'll be okay." Her voice was weak and sweet.

"I just cant be this scared like I was before Rebecca." I said softly as we pulled away and looked at each other.

I backed away and punched the wall so hard that I felt too much pain on my fingers that traveled to the rest of my arm.

"How can I let this fucken happen to her?huh?I'm supposed to make sure that she never lays in hospital fucken beds!Dammit!!" I kicked the steel bench that was attached to the wall.

"I brought her here.Again!!" I ran my hands through my hair as tears uncontrollably came running down.

"Calm the fuck down Ernest.Nothing will happen to her.I promise sweethea-"

"Smith family?"

"That's us" I ran over to the doctor who was looking down at his clipboard.

"While we were about to run another test she ..uhm ..." he hesitated to finish

"She what???" I got between his words

He looked beside me at Rebecca then back at me.

"Mrs Smith had a seizure.." he saw the look on my face and said "but I can assure you that it was nothing."

I looked staggeringly at him."Are you stupid or something?" I asked

"Sir pleas-" I cut her off

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