"Puppy eyes don't work on Isabella. "

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Isabella's POV

I5 woke up feeling the warm rays of the sun  peeking through my window curtains.

I turned to find Ernest still dead asleep.I smiled looking at him and got off bed.

I took  a warm shower and quickly dressed in my denim jeans and my white hoodie and paired all that up with my tekkies.

I tied up my hair in a neat bun and ofcourse no make up.

I grabbed my phone and went downstairs.

"Good morning " Rosalia greeted me as I walked down the stairs.

"Morning" I replied while grabbing an apple from the fridge.

"So how was dinner last night? Cause y'all came pretty much late. I was close to reporting two missing persons. " Rosalia said pouring cornflakes inside a bowl.

"Last night was amazing. Totally A.M.A.Z.I.N.G." I said with a smile sitting down.

She opened the fridge taking out a bottle of milk"Okayyyyy..what happened?" She asked

I took a bite of my green apple "Nothing big." I replied

"We both know that, that's B.S." she said sitting down

"That's not bullshit I swear. " I said

"Just tell me please " she said looking at me and I shook my head " please...." she made puppy eyes which only made me laugh.

"That doesn't work on her trust me." Ernest entered the kitchen and gave me a kiss on the cheek..."Puppy eyes dont work on Isabella."

"You know me pretty well Mr." I smiled and spanked him as he passed.

"You don't do that to a guy.." Rosalia said laughing

"My Nigga ain't no guy bitch." I simply said."plus I can do whatever I want, whenever I wanna do it with him." I said and shot a wink at Ernest.

"Whatever " Rosalia said rolling her eyes.

"I'm tired of being in the house. " she said

"I can only imagine.." I laughed lightly.."I got an idea. " I said smiling and she raised a brow

"Let's go shopping. " I cheered

"Yesss yesss yess." She yelled excitedly

"Lemme go freshen up,I'll be back in 2 minutes. " she said and ran upstairs.

"And who's card will be used?" Ernest said drinking his coffee

"Some dick's." I said and took another bite

"That ain't funny. " he said and I just rolled my eyes.

"I know asshole. " I stood up and went to him.

"Please.." I pleaded as I crossed my hands around his neck and looked deeply into his eyes .

"Not a chance princess. " he shook his head.

"Pretty Please??" I did puppy eyes and he groaned

"Aghhh!" He growled "Here." He opened his wallet and gave me his black card.

"Thank you." I said and smashed my lips against his.

His hands traveled all the way down and he unzipped my jeans.We both knew what would happen if we continued.

He went down to my neck ....

"Fuckk" I moaned

As he was about to slip his hand inside my panties a voice made me jump away from him.

"I'm ready " we both looked at Rosalia who was wearing black jeans,grey hoodie and white tekkies.

Ernest fakingly coughed and I was just eyeing down,feeling embarrassed ..."ohh y'all dont be ashamed." Rosalia said laughing and we both looked at each other

"I mean it's your house after all and I'm just a guest. " she said "Right." Was all I managed to say.

"Let's go." She said clapping her hands excitedly

"Bye baby" I kissed Ernest

"Come home early. " He said and I nodded.

As I grabbed my phone from the table he spanked me  and I moaned.."You are such a silly boy.." I said licking my lips seductively.

"Shake that ass " he yelled as I made my way out of the house and I raised my middle finger not turning.

"Oh you sure are gonna do when you get home." I could feel his smirk.

"Ohhh I can't wait hubby." I said as I turned and blew him a kiss.


We stopped first at a small restaurant to eat.

"Are you guys ready to order?" A waiter asked.

"Ohh I'm so starving.Ill have beef steak with fries and a glass of red wine please. " I said while skimming through the pages of the menu.

"I'll have a chicken steak with fries and a glass of champagne please.." Rosalia said.

We both took our precious time eating our food and we ordered a small chocolate cake as I was craving something dark and moist.

"Let's go empty this card .." I said once we got out of the restaurant.

"What we waiting for?" Rosalia said cheering and off we went.

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