Chapter 26: The once dominant, now insulted

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"I've had enough of this. Let's show here weaklings what we Demons are made of-"

"Think rationally, Noah. I strictly prohibit violence."

"And let these petty humans talk sh*t about us?! We can't let them overpower us!"

"Shush, Noah Desmond. The servants might hear you."

Alexandra and Noah's secretive daily evening tea sessions went as so. After the incident with Mrs Delacroix, Noah filled with indignance. The entire Demon empire was being defamed by some mere humans. Unlike the apathetic earl, Noah couldn't keep his cool. True, Demons did many horrible deeds in the past, but not anymore. They evolved for good...not everyone could accept that.

"So what if we get exposed?! We're prepared for battle anyways. Since fitting in isn't working, let's just go back to how we were."

"Unacceptable. This is the era of civilization."

"You really are a horrible one, Al. Suffering alone and letting your empire crumble like that...even as your ally, I can't see you qualified enough to be our Lord."

It took guts to speak ill of Alexandra right at her face. Not everyone could live safely after doing so. Noah Desmond was something else even against her, the nefarious Demon. If she wanted, she could've destroyed anyone in a blink of an eye. Noah was one of the only who stood equal to her.

"Unfortunately, the fact that I am Lord cannot be changed. Yet, I handed my responsibilities to you as you are more capable. I no longer wish to worry for our empire. I have done enough."

Noah sat staring at her, utterly dumbfounded. This was the longest Alexandra spoke in years. Her words hid some kind of feeling Noah never saw coming from her- pain. Maybe it was his imagination, but for the first time ever, Alexandra portrayed her despair.

"You say so, but still don't let us dominate. That's just unfair."

"After my demise, you shall be crowned Lord, Noah. And yet, have you not attempted to kill me once despite receiving several opportunities. Why is that?"

"Don't change the topic, darn idiot. Who's gonna stop me from screwing up if you're not here?!"

The bitter truth of reality, Noah Desmond understood well. If humans knew there were Demons living among them and hadn't gone extinct, they'd never accept them-neither would the Angels. What Erido was up to played a big role in this. Those who promote peace, the wise ones of London, if they were to die then only would remain the irrational. There had to be some way there were going to use to get the Demons to reveal themselves. The easiest being to provoke them.

"That careless attitude if yours worsened after Tobias Céolsige decreased-"

Alexandra squeezed Noah's cheeks harshly and made him face her. He who was caught off guard, looked at her glaring scarlet eyes representing the raging pits of Hell.

"Never utter that name again."

"Geez, you're terrifying. I just think you were better off when he wasn't there."

"I will pull your tongue out, Noah Desmond. Know your place."

Alexandra reacted coldly with a straight face, yet what she said seemed horrid. Noah knew Alexandra well. Her twisted, evil mentality may have been suppressed, but it hadn't disappeared.

"There's the Alexandra I know! Now have the same spirits when the battle begins, okay?"

With a cheeky smirk, Noah left the room humming. This time, Alexandra was left dumbfounded. To intervene Alexandra's moment of unexpected shock, her assistant Denis arrived.

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