Chapter 29: The evening

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The evening for Sir Nero Von Maddox's soirée finally arrived. The gentlemen were to do their hair in flawless pomades and present themselves in elegant tuxedos while the ladies were expected to appear in stunning gowns and expensive ornaments. It was an evening to look forward to among the upper class

 It was an evening to look forward to among the upper class

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Just not for the Earl Alexandra Allura

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Just not for the Earl Alexandra Allura.

She selected a black dress with intricate designs to compliment its simplicity. The square neck above the corset went perfectly with the puffy sleeves, giving the dress a mystifying effect. The meticulous details in the look could astonish anyone. With some finishing touches on her face and a little pendant around her neck, the earl was well prepared for the event.

Despite all her effort in her attire, no joy came to her. The only thing she had on mind was Erido. It was highly likely for something to go wrong anyhow. Their intentions seemed rather faulty to Alexandra. She had been drowning into her bottomless ocean of thoughts regarding Erido until Noah pulled her out forcefully.

"Knock it off, Al. It's time we leave already." He announced as his voice echoed under the dome shaped ceiling of the hall.

"My apologies, let us proceed."

"Before we do, I've got to admit I never knew you could pull off a dress so well. Well done!" Noah tried to compliment his friend, quite the rarity.

"Just because I prefer not wearing feminine clothing, it is not that I cannot. An earl should adjust with everything." Alexandra pulled her sleeves, looking at Noah apathetically to show off her intimidation.

"Earl? You're not even the real earl-"

"Finish that sentence and I will punch you. No-one should know."

"Very well, creep. Let's see how long you last with that c*cky attitude of yours."

"Why are you even coming with me again?"

"Just in case something goes wrong and you get into trouble. A cranky Alexandra is a dangerous Alexandra."

Noah enjoyed their little quarrel before the event; after all, this was the least he could do to keep himself entertained. Delaying no further, the two left the Allura residence soon after.

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