Chapter 32: Identify revealed

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The night was young

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The night was young.

Under the ocean of twinkling stars, terror grew in the mellow atmosphere. Police sirens overtook the people's cries of pain, screams of shock. The grand soirée had turned into something horrific. The mansion had burned down to ashes, leaving no signs of life inside. The raging fire was put to rest soon, but not the fire that grew within Zane Adriel.

Countless of innocent humans were massacred...just because of one ridiculous cult. Furthermore, he couldn't do anything to prevent it. He sat wrapped in a blanket in a corner with Sierra by his side.

"Why is it that I can't save anyone? Why do I feel so venerable?" Zane's face was unnaturally pale with a mix of sadness.

"But you did. All these people we're seeing now, you got them out." Sierra put a reassuring hand on his shoulder to cheer him up.

"My parents, our friends...all of them died in a fire like this one. I couldn't save them either."

The tears in Zane's soul become tears in his eyes. He buried himself under the blanket and sobbed bitterly for those he couldn't save. Sierra tried her hardest to comfort him, but how could she when she herself was in pain?

That's an Angel's soul for you. They cry not for themselves, but others. The purity in their hearts were supposedly incomparable.

His thoughts drifted off to his associate who was nowhere to be seen. Despite what she said, he couldn't help but wonder if she was alright. His worries turned into relief once she saw her.

Alexandra was seen to be rescued by a firefighter; it a miserable state. She limped weakly to an ambulance, now ready to explain the situation. Zane wasted not another minute and approached her curiously.

"A relief you're safe! I don't know how I would've faced his Highness if anything happened to you!" Zane sighed with relief.

Instead of replying, Alexandra could only nod. Zane knew it didn't go well inside- her face was covered with ash, bloody wounds covered her arms.

"Oh dear, you look terrible. Why did you have to risk your life?!" He cried while examining Alexandra as she sat to rest.

"Does not matter since I couldn't catch Erido. It seems Tralenus and Maddox disappeared without a trace."

"What do y-"

James Willows of the crime department intervened their conversation, looking extremely concerned himself. After several questions of Alexandra's state, he'd resume to question her.

"How're you guys holding up? This scene is not at all pretty." James asked, the polite fellow he was.

"It's a lot to take in, bu-"

"That is not important. Did you find them?" Alexandra tried to sound desperate while interrupting Zane.

"Not yet. Can you tell me what happened in there, Alexandra?"

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