𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 4: 𝐴 𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑚𝑒𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑦

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"bell, bell, wake up" I hear someone say, slightly shaking me.

Of course me being me, I grab a pillow a chuck it at whoever was waking me up. I hate being awoken. As soon as I hear the pillow hit the breathing body, a grunt comes out of the human. I slight open my eyes to reveal, freak boy.

Let me tell you, that made me jump at least 4 feet. It forgot he was here last night, slipped my mind. So seeing him here. BEING NICE. Kinda of freaked me out.

"Remind me to never wake you up again" he says, looking down at me. He's at least 5'10, 8 inches taller than me, so yes he looks down at me.

"Why the hell are you waking me up and why do you have those" I say, point to the pill bottle in his hands.

"Found them on your nightstand, I wanted to see what they were, also if you don't get up your gonna be late. Caleb left early so guess who he asked taking you to school" A small smirk grows on this boys face. Actually unbelievable. Caleb didn't do that.

"What are these anyways" he continues. Bring his attention down to the bottle instead of me. I sit up and snatch them out of his hand.

"No of your business, I'll meet you downstairs" I snap. There my anti depressant and anxiety pills. Yeah, you heard me right. I suffer from depression and anxiety, taking pills helps that. Obviously, but only Caleb knows so I don't need him knowing.

Before he can speak, I could tell he was gonna be a smart ass I guided him out of my room and slam my door. Not a morning person and hearing him laugh on the other side of the door makes me want to punch that smirk right off his face. Ignore it and get ready for the day.

Simple, jeans and my brothers hoodie, perfect. I go over to my nightstand and take my pills quickly, then grabbing my bag and meeting him downstairs. I can't believe i'm going to school with this freak but I don't have any other way to school, it sucks.

"Ah, your not acting like a ogre anymore. Is bee back?" he chuckles. He's full of jokes this morning, quite annoying. Note to self, do not invite him over. Actually don't let himself invite him over, or anyone.

"Car, we are gonna be late. I'll let you play music" he says, eating an apple walking out the door. I didn't even know we had apples.

Whole song-
I think you're really cool (guardin, in the overhead box🤍)

Guardin plays this song, on of my favorites actually. Speaks volume.


"You wanna know something I just realized?" he says, looking off over the town. We are in our spot. We talk sometimes.

"hmm?" I mumbled, bring my attention from the sunsetting to the boy next to me.

"I think I really like you" he says, looking at me, with those beautiful blue eyes. Those eyes make my heart flutter.

"I think I like you too" I say, with a huge chessy grin on my face, his face lighting up due to me just smiling. That's when I knew, he was the one.

Memory over-

"Can we turn his off" he nervously ask. Honestly didn't want to listen anymore, this is now a constant thing. What does this mean and why the hell is it happening.

"Bee?" he says, snapping me out of whatever zone i'm in.

"y-yeah" I replied. I just want this to go away, it's weird like an after life that I've some how lived but yet I don't remember, unless I get these old ancient memory.

"You good?" he ask, slightly taking his eyes off the road to look at me but puts his focus back to that after a spilt second.

"um, yeah. It's weird trust me" I think that made him more confused. He already hade a confuse look on his face but somehow this made it worse. The rest of the way to school is dead silent. Not a uncomfortable silence, we are both deep in our thoughts, focusing on one things and only that.

a/n: braincells low, very very low. Imma go burry myself in a hole, be back shortly, sorry for the commercial break.

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