𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 6: 𝐾𝑖𝑑𝑛𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑑 𝑀𝑒

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Bell's Pov

I can't believe I'm doing this. Fuck Caleb.

He decided it was a good idea to leave for a week and no one can stop him, no parents. I think my dads also coming home this weekend too,  which I actually excited about. My dad and I had a close bond growing up. Every time he does come a month, it's refreshing. A change in life, he isn't the best father but he still is there, unlike my mom.

"What are you thinking about?" Freak boy ask, I still refuse to call him by his name, not until, hmm. never.

"Nothing, Our deal was after school now shut the fuck up" I say, looking back out the window.

I love autumn.  I love how the leaves change colors, how crisp the air. It's a transition into the long winded months ahead.  It's a time where it's peaceful, not to crazy not to plain. It the start of school and it's the end of summer fun, it's just autumn.  The peaceful transition is my favortive part. Now, watching the leaves fall from the trees sends a wave of certain through me, certain my life is gonna be okay. That's why autumn is my favorite season.

"Gee, your a real great girl to be around" he jokes. I just roll my eyes, I actually believe I agreed to this.

"Yeah yeah" and with that, the rest of the car was silent.


Today was a good day. School was hell like always but it wasn't bad. I drew some more.  I draw to get away from life, focus on one thing and making that thing perfect. It a stress reliever, other than smoking and drinking. My dad taught me some of the little things I know but no one knows I draw expect Char, Caleb and now Freak boy, and that's fine. It just really a side hobby.

"In the house" I directed towards Freak Boy. I don't even know what he wants or why he wants to do. Hopefully nothing and he will se how boring I am and leave.

"Bossy much?" he chuckles. I simply roll my eyes and I walk in front of him and I start walking upstairs. Yeah that didn't work.

"Put me down!" I yell. He decided to pick me the hell off the ground.  His hands around my waist and his hand near my shoulder holding me.

"Not until you say sorry for slamming the door in my face, and you start calling me by my real name" he says, I can see the smirk on his face without actually having to look. I already agreed to him once no way am I doing it twice. "No."

"Fine, out the door, in the car" he says, turning around, not letting go, and walking to the door. I don't even fight. I'm not agreeing to his dumbass.

He manages to get me in the front seat, I was being a pain but do I care, no. I'm not close to Freakboy, he honestly annoys the shit out of me and for all I care, go to Canada or some weird shit people in society do today.

I hear his side of the car door close and the car start and we are off. This boy technically just kidnapped me from my own home, without my approval. I didn't fight him but he still took me.

"You kidnapped me." I commented. He doesn't say anything, so I look over to him, only to find myself looking at him a little longer than I expected. He has a jaw line, a god damn good one. His hair, blonde tips look nice on him. His ears are pierced giving off the fuck boy side of him, but It suits him. very well. He also has very long eyelashes, his eyes are just plain blue, nothing special. Just blue normal eyes, I can kind of see why girls swoon over him but he's nothing special, just a normal kid, but aren't we all?

"Staring at me now huh, getting somewhere" he states, with his little funk ass smirk. I hit him in his arm "got a lighter?" I ask, changing the subject as fast as I could.

"Yeah, glovebox. Why?" He ask. I being me completely ignored him. I pull the latch down on the glovebox compartment and I grab one of his many lighters, why does he need this much no clue. I still don't know where we are going.

I reach into my pocket and I grab a pack of cigarettes, taking one out and lighting it, rolling down the window in the process.

"Can I have one?" He ask, the tone he was using sounded more like "give me on" but smoking bad for you.

"Nah, it's bad for you" I say, putting the butt in my mouth and blowing. He just laughs, "if it's bad, then why are you smoking it?". I just shrug "pain reliever". "And what does miss bee have to be in pain about? Your bee, badass fighting kid" He starts, not letting him finish I interrupt him before his mouth say anything else I might punch him for. "You don't know me Freak boy, a lot. When are you gonna stop calling me Bee?" I ask, slightly changing the subject and flicking the ashes off the cigarette in my hand. He just shrug. I still don't know where we are going and we dead silent the rest way there.

a/n: so, how is it going? Did I fuck anything up yet?

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