𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 23: 𝐼𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒ℎ𝑖𝑚

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Bell's Pov

"wake up" I hear a very groggy voice whisper into my ear. I know immediately who it was.

I make a sort of weird mumble noise and shake my head. I then feel a kiss get planted onto my head.

"Come one, we have school" he chuckles, now unwrapping his arms from me.

"let's be late" I mutter, pulling him back towards me. I didn't really care if I was late or on time, school was important but sleep was more important to me.

"I forgot you hate mornings, fine just for you" he say, climbing back into bed, causing a soft tired smile from my face. I hear him softly laugh and he pulls me closer to him, wrapping his arms back around me, closing his eyes and drifting back to sleep.

Even though i'm tired, I just end up staring at him, not in a creepy way either.

I just looking at him, his nose, his cheek bones, his jaw, his eyebrows, his whole face really.

I'm admiring him up close, I see what girls obsess over him, he looks perfect.

He isn't perfect though, that's what I love about him. He has this face and look of someone who has there life put together but in reality he is just like the rest of us.

He has a very deep thinking point if he chooses to go that deep in his head, which he has done a few times, but I only notice when he's around me.

I did that to him, I got into his head. That made me happy that he cares.

I love him. there's no denying that.

I loved his imperfections not what was perfected. I love how he had a dimple only on the left side of his face, he had these very subtle freckles if you looked close enough, he had this soft, goofy side he never showed, he had so many things that were the definition of "imperfect" but in my mind

those imperfections are what made him, him.

those imperfections, in my eyes, were perfect.

so yes, I do see him as perfect but perfect for me

not perfect in the way he looks

or acts

but he was the missing puzzle piece I need to get my life back together

in one piece.

he was for me.

"stop staring at my beautiful face and go back to bed" he laughs. It was the softest laugh humanly possible, his hot breath reaching my face.

I just slap his chest lightly and I lay my head on it, feeling the warmth of his bare skin, causing me to drift off back to sleep, in his arms.


I woke up again to someone playing with my hair.

I just sat there for a minute know it was Jaden, I was just listening to his breathing and heart beating.

I don't know, it was calming, just like a calm autumn night, peaceful.

I gave you a sense urge of quiet, that your going to be okay.

It brought steadiness over my body.

Damn, Jaden really did that too me.

I stir open my eyes to find his blue eyes fixed on em already, almost looking at me. I don't mind actually, one of the only times I don't.

We don't break eye contact, it wasn't in a sexual way nor in a compassionate way either, it was simply just admiring each other presence.

Which makes me wonder why I even tried to commit. Him just looking at me, the living breathing me, is more rewarding than anything else. It's like i'm valued, i'm wanted.

That means the world.

"We should go now" he whispers, moving a piece of hair behind my ear, also breaking the eye contact. I just nod. I roll over so he could get up, also getting up myself. I look at the time to see it just turning 9 so we didn't sleep in too late.

I still had leggings on from last night so I just grabbed on of Jaden's hoodies and I went to the bathroom, getting ready, brushing my teeth and brushing my hair, you know, the jazz.

I walk out of his bathroom, setting my shirt in his closet and I sit on his bed, grabbing out my phone, clicking the "photo" app in my phone, just to see what I had in there

nothing much.

"Hey asshole, nice hoodie" he chuckles. It causes me to look up and see him, hovering over me with his hand out.

I simply roll my eyes and grab it. He quickly grabs his phone and keys and off to school we go.


When we get into school, we both head over to our lockers, joking about something Jaden said, it was honestly really funny.

There was no one in the hall so it was just our laughter filling the hallways

"See, there dumb" he chuckles, opening his locker, me doing the same.

However, I instantly pause. I just stand there, in shock.

"Hey bee can yo-what the hell?" he snaps.

your kidding....

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