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Hello, so here we have it. The end.

Endings always make me sad because all the hard work is done and you just gotta move on. That's is also the joy.

I really loved this book if i'm quite honest. I felt that I connected with almost every chapter I wrote and I think I made a good book.

I based this book on hope. No matter what happens, something will happen, we will have hope, some day. For Bell Mae, her life didn't work out but she still knew what hope was. Hope is on of the most important words in the english dictionary, it symbolizes a lot.

Thank you all for all the reads on this book, we are at 11K at the moment and it's insane. I love every single one of you.

For now, take this book as a lesson more than something fun.

there will always be someone. even if your life is shitty.

Live life to the fullest everyday because I believe in you.

after all, we are like the galaxy, we all are connected. You are the sun so shape your universe.

This book has come to an end, a new book will be up after I finish a few things so keep an eye out, I love you all.

also, maybe my last jaden hossler book. I don't know yet.

"Only in the darkness can you see the stars"- Martin Luther King Jr.

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