𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 18: 𝐻𝑖𝑚

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Bell's Pov

He really did me dirty, what the hell.

Oh, be ready by 6 in comfortable clothes. What?

Your probably thinking, what on earth are you taking about.

We are talking about Freak Boy himself.

He sent me a text maybe an hour ago

"Get ready, wear sweats and a tee or a hoodie and have your ass outside at 6 sharp"

I really didn't want to leave me bed, nor do anything but I'll go out with him, only him.

I hate to admit this, I'm obsessed with him.

His hair, his jaw line, his eyes, his love for music that I don't think he knows I know, His humor, his personality, his lips, those chapped sweet lips.

I'm falling for him, just like I promised myself I wouldn't, we all don't keep promises.

It's currently 5:30 and I'm obliging by what he said, i'm getting changed into clean sweats and a shirt. I'm brushing my hair and teeth and that's all on doing, don't get me wrong but I want to try but at the same time I couldn't give two fucks.

It's just weird, I don't know.

We have hated each other since 4th grade, always picking, always making fun of each other and now, all I want to do it talk to him, just simply be with him.

I should have know he was my everything when he was the only reason I got up in the morning or getting to look forward to see his face in the mornings. I should have known and these visions were a sign telling me that, he was the one. I needed to see that.

Well universe, are you happy now. I see him, I see him.

Apparently my mind wondered for a half hour and I didn't even realize it, it's now 6 and there is a very loud car horn beeping from outside.

For some reason, I find myself nervous. What is there to be nervous for, it's just Freak boy right?

I grab my phone and I open my bedroom door and I walk downstairs.


You joking, they actually got together.

As soon as I step foot on the main floor, in the living room,

Caleb and Charlotte eating each other's faces, both half naked.

Did they really forget I was home? ew.

"Oh my god!" Charlotte jumps, looking at Caleb.

"I thought you said she was gone!" she snaps.

"I'll be leaving, don't worry about me" I sighed, they actually forgot.

I hurry out the door as fast as I could. I didn't want to listen to Charlotte or Caleb at this moment, I was mad at both of them.

I slam the front door very hard so it makes a bunch of noise just to piss them off and I look in front of me to see the one and only Jaden, in his car, with sweats and a hoodie on. Not even gonna lie, he looked hot.

I get into the passenger side, trying to forget what I just say, I still can't believe them.

"What is your problem" he ask. Was it that noticeable.

"Caleb forgot I was home so he brought Charlotte over and I almost caught them fucking" I say. Jaden doesn't say anything so i look over at him.

As soon as we make eye contact he burst out laughing, causing a smile on my face. I could already tell, even though what happened yesterday, this night was going to be fun. Whatever we were doing.

a/n: this so sorta of a filler chapter. Like there is minor info in this but I have to hold off what i'm doing until I do something else so I'm just filling in for now, but these are kind of important

Anyways, the next chapter will be what I have been wanting to get to for a while now, okay much love🤍

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