𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 33: 𝐺𝑜𝑜𝑑𝑏𝑦𝑒 𝐹𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑘𝑏𝑜𝑦

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bells pov

Caleb pulls the car up to the airport. The closer we get to the plane, the more my heart sinks. Last night was one of most sadest but happiest nights of my entire life. It was just filled with us, and that it.

We spent the night together at the treehouse messing around in the woods and dancing under the moon, drinking, laughing, it was amazing. We then ended the night around 11am. Yes you heard me, we picked our diplomas up at 9 then went back to the treehouse to cuddle and talk, then we both drifted back off to sleep. The night was amazing.

It was so worth it skipping graduation. For some kids, that's this big thing, for me and him, it was just some dumb little final goodbye. Why say goodbye when we never said hello? that something that always confused me. We never have said hello so why are we saying goodbye.

"Earth to Bee" I hear Jaden say. I snap out of my thoughts and I look at him, he is standing with the car door open, just looking at me.

I let out a sigh and I step out of the car, the sun is just setting. It's hitting him just right, like the night we went up to the hill. The golden light made his eyes glow, all the noise around us just went away, it was peaceful. Everything was peaceful at this moment but at the same time it wasn't.

How do you say goodbye to someone that was your everything, your glue, the one that was there for you when you needed, your childhood enemy but also your best-friend? How do you just let them go? Everything, is gone in seconds but took months even years to grow.

"baby, don't cry." I was crying?

"i'm crying?" I ask, he nods. I just laugh, taking my hands and wiping my face away, I promised him I wouldn't cry.

He slowly takes my hand and puts his arm around me, kissing me on the forehead and off inside the airport we go.

*Flight 073 bordering from Tennessee to Los Angeles*

I hear his flight get called threw the overhead speakers. I never thought he would have this much of an affect on me. Freakboy to Jaden to mine, it's such a crazy thing.

"I don't wanna go" he mumbles. I just let out a sigh and I get up from his lap, helping him up.

As soon as we are standing, he brings into the biggest hugs I ever received. His arms around my waist tightly, holding me like it was the last thing he would ever do, I didn't mind though.

"i'm going to miss the hell out of you, you know that right" he mumbles into my neck, I just nod. This is it.

He pulls away from my grip but still stands very close to me.

"I love you, just like the sun likes the moon" he says, I just nod. I know if I start talking i'll cry.

"promise you will keep in touch?" he ask.

"I love you" those are the only words I could put, my breath is thin. He was my absolute everything.

"I love you too bee. goodbye" he says, pulling me in and kissing my lips on last time, i'm going to miss his lips, chapped yet soft. I loved them.

He pulls away and kisses my forehead.

"be safe my sun" he whispers and he turns the other way and walks off.

He wanted a sweet but short goodbye, I think he knew he would break. We will still be in contact right? everything won't change a whole ton. Plus he is happy, he's doing what he loves in LA with his friends. He going to do music, or hopefully do music. I believe in him, I support him, even if that is breaking my heart.

I watch the boy of my dreams walking off, maybe never to be seen again. Maybe we will never see each other or maybe we will be only connected through the galaxy.

As he disappears through the crowd and onto the plane, I let a tear roll down my face but no more than that. The last 6 months meant everything but everything has its flaws too.

"goodbye freakboy" I mutter, my voice cracking. fuck me.

I let out a deep sigh, now my face drowning in tears. People were staring but I didn't give two fucks. I turn around and I walk back out side. The moons out, making me instantly break out in tears but a smile. My hand reaches for the necklace on my neck. I grab it and I start playing with it. He was watching over me, always.

I get into Calebs car, dead silent. I can't even lie, my heart is now completely shattered.

As we are driving down the street, my mind is on him

He holds memories, memories I forgot.

Sort of like the visions in my head, which he still doesn't know about, i'll tell him, maybe.

but, I found him, and I guess I never realized

the memories in my head

we're sort of reality and I was creating them all a long

just as I wished. I just had to find the right person.

I just never realize how important memories could be

even if they were fake,

they hold value,

and to someone like myself,

that should mean the world and it does

he healed me

these memories lead me to him


1: collection of timeless treasures
2:enduring moments that write our stories

all these years

we were writing our stories

all along, together.

I love you Freakboy and I always will.

thank you for healing me

thank you for these memories, jaden.

something that's so over looked but so important,

8 letter word that holds so much to so little people


meant so everything to a girl like me.

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