𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 14: 𝐿𝑒𝑎𝑓

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Jaden's Pov

I'm stupid. I didn't know how to act.

The girl your falling for hate herself enough to try to kill herself.

How are you suppose to act? I ignored her. I completely ghosted her.

you idiot.

She is fragile and I probably made it 10 times worse.

you fucked up Jaden.

"Bell, are you okay hunny?" I hear the teacher ask. Sort of sympathetic if you ask me, even though they really don't care.

"y-yeah" she mutters. She's trembling? all eyes are on her, I know making it 10 times worse.

She having an anxiety attack?

no, maybe it's her just worked up about something.

what if it was me? shit.

She grabs her binder and bag and she storms out of the classroom, not looking back.

"Well, just another down the drain" the teacher coldly states. I told you it was just a fucking game to them.

"are you fucking insane" I question. Now everyone bring there attention towards me.

I will not let someone disrespect bee like that. She tired to kill her self and they think it's a laughing game.

"Excuse me Jaden?" she says, in a shocked tone.

"You can not just sit here, picking kids who are a waste. If you were a decent person you would see shes in pain. But all you do is sit there and name call. Grow the fuck up" I spat. Now picking my stuff and I start heading to the door, mostly to find her.

"Hossler, if you leave this room you have an after school detention" she yells.

I just chuckle "try me" and with that. I was off to find bee, where ever she went by now.

It's been 30 minutes and i'm walking on the side of the road. I could have taken my car but I felt I could get to her better on foot.

Do I know why? no. my mind is racing. About bee, yeah. Also about everything.

You know those moments where it's just all your past racing up to the front of your brain and everything hits you like a bullet. All the good, bad, funny, sad, everything.

For some reason, this time, it just is happening.

I realized, maybe, we are alike in a way. Every single person, even me and Bee.

Me and her are opposite when it come to school. I'm the popular gets whatever I want. Bee, the kid who never gets any attention.

Yet, we're the same, everyone is. We all have the same blood, the same bones that make the human structure, the same brain, and in the end, the same thoughts.


If you look at everyone, in a way, we all think the same. We all do the same motions even if even if we don't realize.

Me and her are the same, even if we don't agree with it.

Both fucked up kids who are just trying to make it through.

Just like a huge game of survival, if you can't handle it, you die.

It's quite sick but that's the way I think, that's what's running through my mind, and the fact.

She standing near a cliff, with tears in her eyes, a shaky mess.

Looking down, then leans forward. Shit.

a/n: :) Also, I love a man who deep thinks😂

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