𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 28: 𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑒 ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒.

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I'm giving this chapter out to my ant friend who was running over my hands for a good 10 minutes. I made a new friend, ahahahh.

𝑗𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑛'𝑠 𝑝𝑜𝑣

"Bye!" Lilly shouts, closing the door behind her. She going over to her friends again.

I really fucked up. I should've corrected them when I sent the picture.

I haven't been to school since, it's now the next Wednesday's. It just wasn't the same.

I couldn't see her mad at me, at how selfish that sounds I can't do it.

I know it's my fault and I need to fix things but nothing like this has ever happened, how do I do this right?

I was never one who apologized in most situations, I really didn't need too but this one, I needed too. Big time.

I let out a sigh and I grab my keys and the pack of cigarettes next to it.

I lock the door and I step foot into my car, at this point smells like alcohol and cigarette smoke. great.

I ignore the smell of the god awful car and I open the glovebox, grabbing a lighter.

A black one, with a skull and a flower. Half and half, it was the lighter bee used her first time she was in this car.

see stupid shit like this, little things, the tiniest things make me remember how i'm an idiot, how I fucking broke her.

well, charlotte did but It was still my fault.

I take the lighter and I fiddle it in my hands for awhile. Looking at the plain yet weird design. Who makes a skull with a flower? people are weird.

I finally stop messing around and I take a cigarette out of the pack and I light it, using that exact lighter.

I take a puff of it and I start driving, to my peaceful place, a place where I can think.

I wonder if she's there?


I step out into the empty parking lot, locking my car and leaving my pack of cigarettes and phone in the car. I really couldn't be bothered by the constant dinging of my phone blowing up.

I take a moment and I breathe in the warm autumn air. She's right, it does have a calm vibe.

You can hear the leaves crinkling in the back ground and the wind cutting through the trees, making a wind in the bottle noise.

This all gives you a vibe of just that we are living. Take a look around you, the beautiful life that your there for it's kind of rewarding. That is if you only think about the bigger picture, you see and think about it greatly.

Life is a game i've learned. We all are just playing a huge mystery game. Just like in a board game, you have good and bad cards, good and bad spots, dying and living spots. Sometimes you have a really good game and sometimes you have really bad one. It all depends on the road you take or the card choose. Those can make or break life, or destroy you.

You could be having the best time of your life and one wrong move could crumble it all. That's just the way it works, life works and it fucking sucks when it does happen.

your left lost.

I snap out of my thoughts and I start walking towards the forest, all the trees covered with colorful leaves.

I reach the the little treehouse that sit over a hill, and to my surprise, there is a little bee, sitting at the edge of railing, talking out loud.

"hey m-mom" she lets out a sigh.

"how are you? how is it up there? how is uncle scott? I miss you" she says, this was the first time I seen her all week, and she doesn't look the same.

Her hair is a complete mess and she reeked of alcohol. I couldn't see her face but that's what I seen based off her right now.

"i'm doing ok- yeah who am I kidding i'm doing shitty. How do you know when you love someone." she ask, now looking down.

Right there in that moment I felt my heart shatter. She finally opened up and I pulled something dumb like this.

"I think I love him, I mean who can't. I just don't want to get my heart broken. I wish you were here with me" she mutters. You can hear the pain in her voice.

"I m-miss yo-u" she stutters. I couldn't just let her sit there crying.

"hey" I say quietly. She jumps a bit but remains looking out over the hills.

I let out a small sigh, maybe I could fix this now. I lower my body next to hers,  letting my feet dangle off, and I turn to her.

Her eyes are full of tears but I don't think because of me this time. I think she really misses her mom, a lot.

"Look, i'm sorry bee. I really am. It's a really long story and I-"

I was stopped mid sentence by her, her lip crashing into mine. Her cherry soft lips.

She pulls away and just looks at me. It's the look where your confused but everything seems right about it. Tears were still in her eyes.

She was still looking at me giving me the "can we talk about it later" look.

I stand up, removing my legs from the railing and I go over and I kick my shoes off, sliding under the blanket. My eyes meet hers a again and she is just looking at me.

"come here" I whisper, a sad smile forms on her face and she carefully gets up and she comes to the other side of me and she lays down.

I wrap one of my arms around her shoulders and the other around her waist, pulling her up to my chest. She still has a sadden vibe to her eyes.

"you wanna talk about it" I ask softly, she just shakes her head no and digs it into the side of my chest.

I small worried smile forms on my face, maybe we will be okay. We can figure it out later, right now I just gotta make sure she's okay.

I take my fingers and I slowly run them through her hair. I feel her melt into me and right then and there, she loses it.

She breaks down crying, holding me tight and her hand in my chest just sobbing. My heart aches for her.

"shhh" I whisper into her ear, now moving my hand up and down her back trying to comfort her.

"she's d-d-de-" she couldn't finish her sentence. I plant a small kiss on her head and I just lay there, kissing her head and rubbing her back. Even if she's mad at me, I know she still needs someone.

and I'm willing to be that someone.

a/n: this took forever for write and I don't like how I wrote it😔 yolo. I hope you all have an amazing day<3

also, I know most fights don't make up this quickly, a week has skipped and I feel like she hasn't forgave him fully but that's the process of love. idk, just don't think everything is happy rainbows yet.

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