𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 7: 𝐻𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑆𝑝𝑜𝑡

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As Ja-Freak Boy stopped the car in a complete random parking lot at least 5 minutes from my house. The car ride wasn't long but it was awkward. Now we are, weirdly, sitting here. Jaden's typing away on his phone. Hearts around there name, like a basic white girl would have.

I may have looked, there name is "Lilly❤️🔫", like I said, basic white girl name. Must be on of his hookup or something.

"Are you gonna sit here and play on your phone or are we here for a purpose?" I snapped, I'm not in the mood to deal with his dumbass.

"Yes, hold up. It's important" he quickly bring his attention to me for a second then back to his phone. I could see in his face he had a worry expression so I didn't push anymore. It looked serious.

"Okay, I'm sorry. It was my sister" he says, getting out of the car. That makes sense.... but I didn't know he had a sister

"It's fine, everything okay?" I asked, following behind him and getting out of the car and we start walking to the forest in front of us. The crisp autumn air, blowing making both our noses turn a bright shade of red.

"Yeah, family issues. Really nothing" he mumbled. He's hiding something but so am I so I can't ask him. We aren't close, never will be.

We managed to go into the forest, always up for adventure so I really didn't complain. We made our way up some steps, there were older.  Concrete with over grown moss and tree roots ever, it makes it seem like it was 50 years old.  Tree's surrounding them, like a hidden little get away.

We walk up the steps leading to a open platform thing. It grass but hangs-over, sort of like a cliff. Still trees surrounding it but it's nice, peaceful, empty. However, freak boy doesn't stop, he suddenly takes my hand and we keep walking for a good 2 minutes or so. This time leading to a rusty tree house. It looks like it hasn't been used in years.

Without saying another word, he lets go of my hand and up the ladder he goes. I don't move, why on earth would you bring he here.

"Are you coming?" he ask. He is just standing there looking at me from above. Me being stubborn I don't move.

"Why did you bring me here?" I question him. It's just completely weird.

"Can you stop being an ass and get your ass but here" he snaps.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to snap" he quickly says after that. Kind of shocked me, not that I don't mind because I was being an ass but i've heard him snap or raise his voice at me. He always was calmer with me, more gentle, yes of course he has told off girl before but never to me. Never get the impression he doesn't mess with my though, he does buts it all for shits and giggles, we never talk behond that point.

I do what he says and I start climbing up the latter, him helping me up once i'm close enough to the top. As soon as i'm up, I just look out, theres a tiny little spot between the trees that shows Tennessee hills. That's a part I love about Tennessee (never been so do not come at me, I looked at google to see hills:).) It also very quiet around here.

"Why you bring me here" I ask him, not fixing my gaze off of the view, it's calming.

"Welcome to my personal Hangout Spot" he exclaimed, his eyes also fixed on the hills. It's breathtaking actually, yes of course I live here but you never get to see them from a far.

"Why?" I mumbled, he was being thoughtful.

"Badass Bee needs somewhere to clear there head. This is my spot and no one goes here so It's perfect. A time to get away" he says nervously. Not even gonna lie it's cute he thought I wouldn't like it. He suddenly went all soft, something I didn't know this boy had.

"I'm sorry if you don't like it i-" He starts but I cut him off by hugging him. "Thank you freak boy", surprisingly he hugs me back. His hand around my waist and his chin on my head, he gives good hugs.

"Yeah yeah, now stop being soft bee" he chuckles, also causing me to laugh and pull away, well tried too.

"No no, I never said stop hugging me, you give good hugs and I apparently kindnaped you. so hug" he says, wrapping his arms around me tighter, it only causing me to laugh with a. big smile on my face.

"I still don't like you"

"I don't either bee."

and that was that, we didn't like each other but had more in common than we thought.

a/n: :), I have a rock and your bitch named it georgry 😂

a/n: :), I have a rock and your bitch named it georgry 😂

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also, I imagined something like this. You imagine how you want

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