𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 20: 𝐿𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝑆𝑢𝑛, 𝐿𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝑀𝑜𝑜𝑛

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Thank you for 4K:) <3
(btw, I get all my songs from my playlist so i'd like them, I can drop my playlist)

Jaden's Pov

"keep calling me that" she spoke, her eyes still fixed on the moon.

but I find my eyes are fixed on her.

out of the whole world, I wouldn't want my eyes anywhere else.

Does she really pin her moms death on her? If so that's horrible. I think any mother wouldn't want that on there child, heck even mine.

"So, what about you Freak boy, what's so special?" she says, now looking at me, her face going red when she notices I was already staring at her.

She's cute.

"There's nothing special" I say, she just gives me a stern look, but then her face softens, and something appears in here eyes, like she's waiting for me to tell my story. I can read her, after all these years, she finally opened up to me.

"Fine fine. Parents where never really in the picture, abusive. There alive but only show up when needed. I have a little sister named Lilly, she's 10. Honestly, the only reason i'm still fighting, her. And this other girl but we won't got there. My life was growing up too fast, at the age of 10 I was already taking care of lilly.  Now, I'm the only one she has. The treehouse I showed you was my second home when lilly was at a friends for the weekend. It's peaceful. Everyone sees me as this perfect guy who gets whatever he wants, but in reality, the one thing, no make that two things I can't have" I ramble. I found myself looking at the moon, for some reason, my eyes just went up there.

"Not everyone thinks you were perfect freak boy" she comments. I just nod, knowing exactly what she meant.

"You were the only one who didn't see that, you were the only person who seen me as a person" I say, my eyes still fixed on the bright white circle in the sky. Looking at all the indents and craters.

The moon and sun, kind of like me and bee.

She's the fiery sun, full of energy, full of life, yet so complicated, so un noticed, so bright a bubbly, no one dares to look straight at her, everyone expect the moon.

I'm the the moon, hiden, in the background. I'm nothing special but everyone sees me as this perfect thing that floats around. I'm boring but people think i'm so fun. Like the craters, i'm full of indents, only the sun notices. All eyes on me, i'm the not the one who deserves it though, the sun does. I'm the only one who is willing to look the sun straight in the eyes, and the sun is the only one willing to see as just a big ball of basalt, with many flaws.

We are the like the moon and sun, so different but so similar, they go together. Both over powering each other. Both seeing the important of each other when no one else will.

"You could put it like that. You know your sister probably really really appreciates you. even if she doesn't say it." she spoke, her breath lingering in the air.

"You think so"

"I know so. I honestly wish Caleb was like then my mom died, instead he went off to the wrong crowd, leaving me alone. She really appreciate you Jaden. I'm sorry about your parents." she says, I bring my eyes from the sky to her, she was also looking up at the stars.

Did I tell you how much her eyes glow, there something. else. I can't tell if it was her look up at the moon or just her.

"Maybe were both broken" she whispers, she sounded deep in thought, that's something I liked about her, she always thought about things that needed to be thought about. Things that weren't important she threw away.

I was important to her.

But maybe she is right, we are both broken.

Looking for the bandage to fix us.

Maybe, she could be the bandage to my cut.

Or she could be the knife cutting deeper.

That's something only time will tell.

I hear her yawn, then move closer to me, wrapping her short arms around me, putting her head into the side of my chest, something unlike her but I took every second of it I could.

It was a pretty warm fall night out, cool yet warm.

"Come on, I wanna take you somewhere" I say, she doesn't say anything.

I just look at her, I really wasn't waiting, I was looking at her, look at all her features that make her Bee.

"mhm" she mumbles, I could tell she was tired, the beer was probably kicking in.

I laugh a bit and I stand up slowly, grabbing her arms and pulling her gently up.

I leave everything on the ground because I know i'll be back tomorrow to clean everything up, no one comes up here, ever.

We walk back down the hill to the car.

She gets in the passenger side and I get into the driver and I start driving.

I park the car and we both get out, her face lighting up as soon as she knows what we are doing. She flaskes me a bright smiles and starts speed walking in front of me.

She finally out of my sight so I start walking to catch up with her.

I found her in the mist of the treehouse full bed, just laying there with her back to me. I let out a soft laugh. She kicks her shoes off and she find her way under the blankets and she looks at me with her arms wide open.

That small gesture right there warmed my heart.

I kick my shoes next to her and I walk to the other side of the mattress and I pull my body over me, she instantly wraps her arms around me and lays her head on my chest.

I think she's too tired to realize this because bee I know would have laughed in my face, or, this was the really Bee, the open caring one that I always knew was in her.

Another mystery I will have to find out.

I start to play with her hair, watching her fall asleep.

This is weird, knowing the girl i've liked since 4th grade is finally in my arms, it's just us. Like no one else isn't he world mattered.

We are so different yet so much alike.

Just like the sun and moon.

a/n: thoughts? are they gonna get together soon to is something going to pop up leaving on of them heartbroken. Or, are they gonna hold things off? eheheh

as you can also see, I love astronomy way too much, sorry I use it so much, okay much love<3.

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