Through Highs & lows: chapter 6

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"We don't have to talk about it." Colby says glancing to me, before looking back to the street. "No it's okay. I know I'm gonna tell you." I sigh. I explain the nightmare to him. Then tell him how he woke me up. "It wasn't long. Luckily you woke me up. You we're there and everything was okay. That's all I think matters from it." I say with a smile. I see a big smile appear on his face. "Good. I'll always be here." He says. Making my heart melt and feel something more than a friendship for him. I once again try to push it away though. We arrive to the school and it's crowded with kids walking around. Excited freshman looking around for they're classes. Sophomores still with a smile on there face, because they think this year will be as easy as the last, both happy and dreading juniors, and senior. I look around to see people I know. Some nice people some snakes. Honestly school was always just like a regular thing for me. Probably because after thirteen years of it I'm used to it and it being my fourth year here. It just felt natural coming back. This time it will be just as fun if not more. I mean, I have all my classes with Colby and we're seniors for God's sake. What could even go that wrong. We here the bell ring, just as Colby and I get out the car. "What to we have first period again?" Colby asks. "We have fist period english in j hall. I think the room is j5." I say pulling my phone out. "Yup." I say looking at the photo I have of my schedule. "Oh, right. Okay come on. The class is on the other side of campus." He says gabbing my hand. We talk as we walk to class. "Isn't the teacher like Mr.Adams?" Colby asks. "Yeah. I think something like that." I say. "Oh yeah. I heard he was really chill. He let's you pick your seats for the first day. But those are your seats for the rest of the year." Colby says as we just get to j hall. "Oh good." I sigh. Colby opens the door and we both walk in. We find two seats at the back. Colby sits on the right hand back conor and I sit next to him. There is one empty seat next to me. The bell rings as Colby and I settle in. Just as the bell rings Dylan walks in. He walks over and sits next to me. I don't really know Dylan that well. I wave to him, but we actually never had a class together. We just always passed each other, so we just started saying hey or waving when we passed one another, but that's all. Dylan is actually kind of cute though. I actually used to like him, before Colby. Back when Colby was dating that one bitch Rebecca. Thank god her ass moved. She probably just didn't want to get her ass beat by me. "Hey." Dylan says snapping me out of my thoughts. "Hey." I smile. "I'm glad I finally have a class with you. I've been meaning for us to have an excuse to talk." He laughs. "Well excuse made." I laugh. I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn back to Colby, who I almost forgot was next to me. "Caroline. Adams said to take out a pencil. We're doing an ice breaker assignment." Colby says looking at me. I see him quickly glance to Dylan with cold eyes, but they immediately soften as they look back at me. "Thank you. It looks like your guarantee hasn't kicked in yet." I laugh as I pull a pencil out. "Does anyone want to pass these out. It'll be extra credit." The teacher says. I raise hand. "Oh yes. Sorry what was your name?" The teacher says looking at me. "I'm Caroline." I say getting up and walking towards him. "Well it seem your a good student Caroline." He says as I grab the papers. "No I just no that I'm not gonna do all the work." I laugh as I pass out the papers. "Well at least your honest and smart enough to take the extra credit then." He says. "Yup that's me." I whisper to myself. I finish giving out the papers, giving the last one to Colby. "See I told you he was chill." Colby laughs. "Yeah. Hopefully it's not that bad. He seems cool." I say. I walk back up to the teacher and hand him the papers. "You can put them on my desk. Don't forget to get one for yourself." He says.

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